Chapter one

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  • Dedicated to My friends who know who they are ;p

Sighing, Branna turned off her alarm and got out of bed. Why did she had to wake up so early? It was in the rules of the foster home, waking up at six, every day of the week. This foster home was very catholic and we had to pray for almost everything.

I put on our uniform, consisting of a white blouse, a black skirt and blazer and grey ballerinas, and went downstairs for breakfast, only to be met by Stone and Nick, two guys who loved to bully others.

"Look who we have here! The pretty princess has awakened! What are you doing still here, stupid?" Nick said, pushing me to the ground.

"Yeah! Go back to whatever cave you came from, you piece of dirt!" Stone said, kicking me before they ran of for breakfast.

I picked myself of the ground, checking my outfit so I wouldn't be punished, and hurried after them, not wanting to be late.

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