Chapter three

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It really deserved the name the big hall, seeing as it was bigger than her whole old school, with endless rows of grey tables and chairs, where hundreds of students were sitting, ranging from four year olds to even people in their twenties. She stood for a moment, not knowing where to sit, when Celia waved at her from one of the lines where you could get food. Quickly she walked over and started getting her lunch.

“Hey! How were your classes? I heard that you met Masen and Will, what do you think of them? What are you taking for lunch? The buildings here must be a lot bigger than at your old school, right? Next up we all have the same classes-“she rambled, getting interrupted by a Scottish redhead with a black grace.

“Calm down Cece, don’t scare the newbie away. Hello, I am Tristan, nice to meet you.” he said, sticking his hand out.

“Branna, nice to meet you too.” Branna answered, shaking his hand and walking with them to a table where Will, Masen and two others were sitting.

“Dan, Molly, this is Branna, the newbie who almost got talked to death by Cece a moment ago.” Tristan said, sitting down next to the dark haired guy who was supposedly called Dan.

“Branna, this are Moira Hopper and Daniel Patching, though we call them Molly and Dan.” He continued, ignoring the face Daniel made when he called him Dan.

“Eh, hi.” Branna said, sitting down next to Masen and across Ed on the only chair left.

“What classes did you have before lunch?” Molly, a plain, brown haired and eyed girl with a light grace.

“Art, history and languages. Next up is something called Self-training and year-fighting. What are that?” she asked, curious of the subject.

“It’s a personal lesson where you learn to control and use your powers. After that is a class our whole year has together on the field. Because of the war going on you learn fighting techniques there. It’s good you are in our year, we will help you with your homework and protect you at the year-training.” William explained, noticing Branna black out when he said protect.

“Protect, from what?” she asked, seeming panicked.

“Cambriel, the teacher who gives year-training, isn’t the person to go soft on people and it isn’t rare that the Clique tries to attack one of us. We are used to help each other.” Masen said, not looking at her, but at William, with a strange look in his eyes.

Not quite calmed down, Branna asked an obvious question.

“What is the Clique?” she asked, recognizing the word and expecting the worst.

“It’s a group of mainly girls who think they are better than the rest and always fight with us. Be glad you’re with us because if you weren’t you would be bullied already.” Daniel said darkly, nodding towards a group of Barbie-like girls who were staring at her.

“Their leader is Angelique, her second in command is Nora, who has a crush on Daniel, poor thing, and then you have their bodyguards, Tweedle-dumb and Tweedle-dumber, Theresa and Veronica, who have no brains and just are always standing next to them and we didn’t bother learning the names of the rest of them, we just call them Barbies.” Celia whispered into her ear.

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