Chapter 1

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"Hey Hiccup! How is things going?" you asked Hiccup who were in the blacksmith.

"Everything is going good" he smiled to you. "I'm designing a new weapon right now"

"Really?" you asked. "Can I see?"

"Of course" he turned the papers to let you see them.

"Looks good, but maybe you should fix the height" you said. "It will be hard to fire  with it if it isn't the right height for you"

Hiccup turned the papers back towards himself to study them.

"You're right" he said. "How didn't I see that?"

"That was the only problem it" you smiled. " It should work perfectly if it's you making it"

Hiccup blushed a little, but you didn't notice.

"(Y/N)!" you heard someone call from behind.

You turned and saw the teens waving for you to come to them. You turned to Hiccup looking a little unsure.

"Just go with them. I have to work with this either way" Hiccup said looking a little sad.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

You were the only one hanging with Hiccup and genuinely being nice to him. Everyone on Berk didn't like Hiccup because he didn't look like a viking, but you hung out with him because of his kindess and creativity.

Everyone on Berk liked you because you were good at almost everything, but you weren't allowed outside when a raid was happening. You didn't protest against it since you didn't like seeing dragons and vikings get hurt, and could never bring yourself to kill or even hurt them. Sometimes when a dragon was hurt with no vikings around, you would help the dragon heal by making medicine for them by herbs around. No one knew about this, the only thing they knew was that you were good with herbs and healing.

"Yeah, go and hang out with them" said Hiccup.

"Okay, but I want to hang out with you too" you said. "How about we meet outside your house later?"

"Sure" Hiccup smiled.

You smiled back and went to the teens.

"Hey guys" you said when you got to them.

"Hey (Y/N)!" they said back.

"Want to come with us to the forest to train?" asked Astrid.

"Sure, but what are we training then?" you asked.

"Just axe throwing and swords" answered Astrid.

"And I'm going to show all of you that I'm best at it!" said Snoutloud

"You're just going to cause chaos" said Astrid.

"Did I hear chaos?" asked Tuffnut. "That's my specialty, I don't need any training for that"

"No it's my specialty" said Ruffnut and pushed Tuff away. "I can create more chaos than you"

"No, I can create more than you!" said Tuff back and pushed Ruff away.

Ruff jumped on Tuff and they started wrestling around on the ground.

"Ruff, Tuff, you two together can cause the whole island chaos" you said.

"Thanks (Y/N), but I'm still better!" said Ruff.

"No your not!" said Tuff and they continued wrestling.

"How about we just go?" you asked the others shaking your head.

"Yeah, just leave them behind" said Snoutloud and began walking.

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