Chapter 5

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You walked next to your two dragons towards Hiccup's house. It had been three weeks and he still hadn't woken up.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)" said Mistspike. "He'll wake up soon, I'm sure"

"You're right" you said. "I know he'll wake up soon, we just need to be patient"

"Indeed" nodded your Nightfury who you named Nightshade. "But he may go back into a coma again if the child is in the same small room as him"

"You know that Toothless would never let something happen to Hiccup again, Nightshade" you said.

"I know, but he is still a child" said Nightshade.

"But he can be really serious making him look like an adult" you said as you arrived to Hiccup's house.

"All Night Furys are like that since we're near extinction" said Nightshade.

"All right, all right" you said and shook your head. "It's true he is a child and can be childish, pleased now?"

"Indeed" nodded Nightshade and sat down next to the door.

"You go inside and tak ecare of Hiccup and Toothless, (Y/N)" said Mistspike and laid down. "We'll wait right here"

"I know, thanks" you said and walked inside the house.

You left the door closed with a small gap and turned around just to have Toothless almost jumping on you.

"Wow, Toothless!" you said and dodged the pounce. "Could you stop doing that?"

"I'm bored, but I won't leave his side" said Toothless and walked around the room. "And you're the only one I can talk to"

"I know, but does this have to inclued you trying to pounce on me?" you asked and walked to the kitchen.

"Maybe" said Toothless and follow you as far as he can fit that wasn't that far. "Why can't this house be bigger, so I can fit in here?!"

"How were they supposed to know that a dragon, their former enemy, was going to leave inside their house one day?" you asked as you found food and water. "And you will one day grow larger and won't be able to fit inside any normal house"

"I know, and I can't wait to get larger!" said Toothless like a child. "I will then be able to protect you, Hiccup and others alone without much danger"

"Nightshade was right" you said. "You are really a child"

"I'm 15 years old!" said Toothless. "So I'm not a child, I'm just as old as you and Hiccup"

"15 years old still counts as a child" you said and walked out the kitchen with food for Toothless and Hiccup just incase he wakes up. "And as a dragon it counts as a young child, you know how old a dragon can get"

"Fine" pouted Toothless and sat down next to you, who was next to Hiccup's bed. "But I'm still as old as you"

"I know, but humans normally doesn't get older than 80 years old while dragons can be over thousand" you said and threw a fish into his mouth.

He ate the fish happily and then looked confused at you.

"What about you?" he asked. "You have a aura simular to a dragon, but at the same time not"

"What?" you asked confused.

"What I said" said Toothless. "And why don't you tell others that you can understand us?"

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