Chapter 3

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The next day you stood by the arena entrance to wait for Hiccup. The training was finally done and Stoick stopped everyone from going anywhere. He looked proud and the Elder Gothi was standing next to him.

"Now everyone!" called Stoick. "Today is the day to choose who will have the honor to get their first kill on the Monsterous Nightmare!"

The crowd cheered and you started to get worried and you saw that Hiccup was also worried. Gobber who stood between Astrid and Hiccup rased his left arm over Astrid, but Gothi shook her head. He got proud as he rose his right arm over Hiccup and Gothi nodded her head. The crowd cheered out loud and Stoick looked so proud. Astrid looked mad and walked away.

As Hiccup walked out of the arena many vikings had gratulated him and he acted happy and excited. After a while he was finally able to get to you.

"What now?" you asked.

"I'll take Toothless and get out of here" said Hiccup.

"Are you sure?" you asked.

"Yeah, what else can I do?" asked Hiccup.

"If you say so.." you said. "I'll go to the cove and get Toothless ready while you yourself get ready"

"Yeah" said Hiccup. "Thanks"

You nodded and went towards the cove while Hiccup went towards his house.

When you arrived to the cove you saw Toothless and Mistspike playing together.

"Hey, guys!" you shouted down to them.

The two dragons looked up and cheered when they saw you. Mistspike flew up to get you.

"Hi" you smiled sad.

"What's wrong?" asked Mistspike worried.

You two landed down in the cove and Toothless ran over to you.

"It that... Hiccup was chosen to kill a dragon in the arena" you explained. "So he said that he wants to leave Berk with you Toothless"

"That's alright with me" said Toothless. "If he wants to leave them we can"

You smiled to Toothless.

"Can we also go with them?" asked Mistspike.

"You want to go with them?" you asked shocked.

"Yes, but if you also come" said Mistspike.

"Yeah, sure" you said. "We can also go with them if it's alright with them"

"I don't think Hiccup would have minded at all" said Toothless with no doubt.

"Why do you say that?" you asked.

"Just something he told me one time" said Toothless.

You just nodded and then turned to Mistspike.

"But if we're going to join them then I need my stuff" you said. "Can you fly me near the village so I can get my stuff?"

"Of course" said Mistspike.

You smiled and climbed onto her.

"We'll be right back, Toothless" you said.

"Alright" nodded Toothless.

Mistspike flew up into the air with you and towards the village.

You and Mistspike flew gently in the air towards the village, so it took a little while until they arrived, but then they heard a scream from the cove.

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