Chapter 2

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"Hiccup?" you called and looked around in the blacksmith in the morning.

You looked around, but only found Gobber in the back room.

"Oh, hey there (Y/N)" greeted Gobber in his usual energetic mood.

"Hey, Gobber" you greeted back. "Have you seen Hiccup?"

"Last time I saw him was tonight when I sent him home after he almost got killed by a dragon" said Gobber.

"Alright, thanks" you said and ran to his house.

You arrived to his house and knocked on the door. The door opened, but it wasn't Hiccup who opened. It was an anrgy and irritaded looking Stoick, but his mood completly turned when he saw you.

"Oh, (Y/N)" smiled Stoick. "What brings you here?"

"I was looking for Hiccup" you answered. "Is he here?"

Stoick's mood changed again "No he's not. He disobeyed my orders and ran off somewhere"

"Alright" you said. "I'll talk to him when I see him. Please don't get mad at him"

"I'll try since you'll talk to him" said Stoick. "Now I need to go and find Gobber"

You stepped to the side as he began to walk out the house. You watched as he walked towards the blacksmith.

"(Y/N)!" yelled Astrid as the group of teens came to her. "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for Hiccup" you answered. "But it seems like he ran off somewhere"

"Like the hiccup that he is" said Snotlout.

"You really should stop being with him" said Astrid.

"And why is that?" you asked with a small glare at them.

"He'll just get into troubles and get you to defend him" said Astrid who was the only one who didn't take a step back from your glare.

"Yeah, like how he almost got killed by a dragon" laughed Tuff.

"Yeah!" said Ruff. "You should have seen how cheif reacted!"

"It is in a way true, (Y/N)" said Fishlegs. "If you were to be with him while you were to be attack then he would just drag you down"

"Exacly!" said Astrid.

"Well, I trust him and I know that he wouldn't use anyone for his benefit" you said.

"Either way" said Fishlegs to change the topic. "Are you joining us at the dragon training tomorrow?"

"Maybe" you answered. "I'll see. No one has informed or disapproved of me joining"

"Alright" said Astrid understanding that you didn't want to be with them right then. "See you later"

Astrid motioned the others to follow her as she left. You watched as the group left and you walked to your house.


Some days had gone as you haven't seen Hiccup that much lately. The only times you saw him was when you watched the dragon training and at meal times, but wasn't able to talk to him since everyone started to gather around him. You had stayed with the teen group in the free time, but stayed home when they had a gathering about the dragon training, only because that was the free time you had to make medicine and plant herbs.

And when you stayed with the teens you made sure to stay near Astrid because it seemed like she got extremly jealous of all the attention Hiccup got because of the dragon training. She did seem to be proud that you stayed with her instead of Hiccup, but she was still jealous.

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