Chapter 4

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You and Hiccup stod by the cliff and watches as viking ships sailed out to the sea with the leading one having Tootless binded.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Astrid as she came over. "You basiclly lost everything, Hiccup"

"I need to get Toothless back" said Hiccup.

"How?" you asked. "We don't have a ship and we don't know where Mistspike is"

"But we have other dragons" said Hiccup and turned around.

"Alright" you said. "Let's go"

You, Hiccup and Astrid went to the arena after getting the other teens.

"Are you crazy?" asked Snotlout. "He is crazy"

"Not as crazy as us!" said Tuff.

"I love being crazy" said Ruff.

"Isn't this dangerous?" asked Fishleg. "How are you supposed to 'tame' a wild dragon?!"

"Just let them do this" said Astrid. "They know what they're doing"

"You ready Hiccup?" you called standing by the lever for the cages.

"Yeah" said Hiccup. "Let them out"

You nodded and pulled the lever. All the cages opened and the dragons charged out. All the teens started to panic and Hiccup tried to get control. You saw that it didn't help, so you jumped down.

"Hey!" you yelled. "Stop!"

All the dragons stopped and turned to you.

"Why are you with them?" asked the Deadly Nadder.

"Humans are not to be trusted!" said one of the heads of the Hideous Zippleback.

"They only hurt us!" said the other head.

"We won't cause you any harm" you said.

"We need your help" said Hiccup.

"How are we supposed to trust humans" growled the Monterous Nightmare.

"We know about the nest and that you're only raiding to stay alive" you said. "We need your help to take down the nest and it's alpha"

"Take down the queen?!" asked the Gronckle shocked.

"Alright, we'll help" said the Monstrou Nightmare and nodded.

"It's finally time to get rid of that stupid alpha" said the first head of the Hideous Zippleback.

"More like crazy alpha" said the other head.

"Alright, what do we do?" asked the Deadly Nadder and walked over to you.

You put your hand on her nose and petted her.

"Alright, Hiccup" you said.

He looked shocked along with the rest of the teens, but nodded. He walked over to the Monstrous Nightmare and put his hand on his nose and guided him to Snotlout while you guided the Deadly Nadder to Astrid. After they were able to ride them you guided the Hideous Zippleback to the twins and Hiccup guided the Gronckle to Fishleg.

"Alright" said Hiccup. "Now it's time to get to the nest"

Everyone nodded and you and Hiccup went to sit behind someone else. You had to sit behind Snoutlout as he refused to have Hiccup behind him, so he sat with Astrid. You all took off out of the arena and flew towards the nest. On you way the teens had named their dragon, with them all liking their name.

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