chapter 29...manipulative devil I loved

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Each day life got chest filled with love...and brain full of anger.

I looked around and no one to be seen but the devil I'm in love with....I completely forgot my religion.

My religion taught me to love myself the most...but lust and greed blindfolded me. I couldn't see anything else but him...the devil who guided me.

He was sweet...I couldn't resist. His voice those of the fallen angel....melancholic, masculine yet soft. It got me shivering.

His breathing sound behind my ears just like those winds in the dark forest...blowing through pine trees and cedar wood.

His touches soft like cotton yet rough like cold stones....I feel comfortable yet unpleasant.

Him...a manipulative devil...that I fell for.

This story might be very confusing for a lot of you but I don't know how to describe this person better. I'm a Taurus woman and I can be manipulative myself but this Virgo man is a whole new level. Loving this monster for 9 years and hard to let him go I can't clearly explain how I feel about him.
He's manipulative...He forced me to do things I never thought of doing...starting with having feelings....or loving him more than myself.

It's not his only fault is also mine. I was pathetic and dumb.
To my pathetic self...more in the next chapter.

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