Chapter 1

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I'm Brooke Sahyounie. Yeah, the little sister of Daniel (Skip) Sahyounie, I know I know. I'm 16 years old, and I've got quite a, well, different life than most.

I'm really secretive. The only person I open up to is my brother Skip.

Skip and I have a really close relationship. He's a really overprotective brother, but I understand why. When I was 13 Skip and mines dad died in a car accident, so Skip feels he should watch over me more to keep me safe.

After my dads car accident, I fell into a deep depression and by 14 I started self harming. I self harmed for 1 and a half years, I'm just now fully recovered.

When I was 15 I was in an abusive relationship with a guy named Drew, he was 17. He beat me because I wouldn't have sex with him. Ever since then, Skip hasn't been accepting of any boys I'm with. He was so mad when he saw the bruises, I honestly thought he was going to kill someone. He always has a watch over me now. Sometimes it gets so annoying..

But there's one boy I've always liked, for as long as I can remember, Luke.

I know, he's my big brothers best friend, blah blah blah. I'd never have a chance with him, I mean, he's Luke fucking Brooks. He's like perfect. He's hot, funny, the sweetest guy I've ever known, but hundreds of other girls want him.. I have no chance. I have to ignore those feelings for him until I forget about them..

"BROOKE GET UP!" a very loud Beau and Skip combo woke me up.

What's a better way to wake up than this?

I groaned loudly and pulled the blanket over my head.

"Oh no you don't.. We have a day full of filming and we need you to film for us since Tyla is on holiday!" Beau said, pulling the blanket back.

I was really close to all the boys, but out of them all, I was closest to Beau.

"Can't it wait like an hour?" I groaned, rolling over on my belly and laying face down in my pillow.

"NOPE! Now get up beautiful!" Skip said, suddenly throwing my over his shoulder and carrying me downstairs.

I was used to this by now.

Skip always greeted me in the morning with a compliment, he says I deserve it because they're all true. But to tell you the truth, they're not. I'm no where near beautiful.

Skip carried me to the kitchen and placed me on the counter, that's when I noticed the rest of the guys all sitting there.

I quickly covered my face with my hands. I had just woken up for christs sake..

"Brooke, what the hell are you doing?" Beau asked.

"I have no make up on.." I mumbled.

All the guys started laughing and I slowly looked up, finding Beau standing right in front of me.

"And you're still beautiful!" he said, poking my cheeks.

"Shut up.." I mumbled, slapping his hand away.

He shook his head and walked over to the fridge.

That's when I saw Luke. Damn, he really is beautiful. He saw me looking at him and smiled, I blushed in return.

"Brooke, go get ready. We're leaving in twenty five minutes." Skip said, giving me a banana and a water bottle.

"Alrighty." I said, grabbing my meal and hopping off the counter.

I walked upstairs and went straight to my closet, eating as I got ready.

I got my high wasted black shorts and a white v neck. I put that on, tucking in my shirt to make it loose and put on my red vans. I put some foundation and mascara on and left my hair in its natural waves. I sprayed on my Justin Bieber perfume and grabbed my iPhone and walked back downstairs.

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