2. Let Me Explain

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"Hey, I get that he's a jerk, but his gaydar is super tuned in."

"He meant it as an insult, Gabe. The only reason he said it is because he dislikes me and all the other jocks say it. To him, it probably means nothing but lame."

Gabe messed up Cas' neatly combed hair, much to Cas' distress. "If he gives you any more trouble, come to me little bro."

Cas sighed. He hated when Gabe called him his little brother. He was younger, but they were in the same grade. And Cas was more mature, both in attitude and in looks.

"I hope he doesn't graduate." Cas stared at Gabe, still annoyed at Dean's actions.


"It's true. He doesn't do his work, he doesn't deserve it. Everything's just handed to him because he's the star player."

Gabe sighed. His brother was stubborn and, as much as Cas liked to deny and ignore it, very emotional. He knew that once Cas set his mind on not liking this guy, he would pick apart everything he did wrong until it drove him insane.

Gabe got up, grabbing a swirled lollipop from the cabinet. "Y'know, maybe if you talked to people, you'd get less weird looks. I know that they upset you and I know you wanna talk." He inserted the lollipop into his mouth like a disk.

Cas frowned at him. "Why should I have to talk. I don't like anyone at that school."

Gabe rolled his eyes and went up to his room, messing up Cas' hair once more before leaving. All he got was a quick glare from Cas before he had left the room.

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As Dean entered the class, he glanced over at Cas. He couldn't stand that guy. Always staring at people.

Cas looked back at him. He didn't look as angry as Dean, but he was. Why was Dean even staring at him. What did he have to look at. Cas hated the fact that Dean's insecurities had started affecting him. All Dean needed to do was suck it up and ignore him, but it felt like Dean would rather escalate it. At least if he wanted to fight, Cas knew he could win. He had a lot of experience.

The class was spent as pointless as yesterday's. Everyone was nearly asleep by the time the bell rang. Everyone took a minute to realize the class was even over besides Cas. He immediately stood up and went to leave. He didnt want another unpleasant interaction with the star quarterback.

Dean wanted to talk to Cas though.

"Why are you leaving so fast. Do you have somewhere to go?"

Cas looked at him and squinted. He had a lot of places to go. And he knew some places Dean could go, too. Like to Hell.

"Are you just gonna stare at me?" Dean's voice was filled with anger as he stared down at him in a way he must've thought was threatening. Cas just couldn't understand how Dean could hate him so much. He knew that Dean probably didn't even hate him. He just thought like a jock and jocks preyed on who they thought were weak.

"Move out of my way, Winchester," Cas flipped him off and went to step to the side.

Dean's face lit up in shock and a touch of anger before he stepped back in front of Cas. He pulled his arm back, ready to attack, before the bell rang, telling them both they were late. Dean quickly glared at Cas before sticking his hands in his letterman jacket and leaving for class.

As he walked to math, he was still fuming from the exchange. What gives Castiel the right to act like that around me? He should know his place.

Dean sighed and slumped in his chair before turning his head to look at Jo. She smiled in return and Dean winked before turning back to the front of the class.

Jo was a sweet girl, and pretty hot, too. His mind drifted to thoughts of other girls and past relationships. He smiled as he thought of the girls he'd been with and girls he'd gone farther with. The brief thought of how many girls Cas had been with popped into his head.

His smile dropped. Cas had to ruin everything didn't he. Dean couldn't even daydream in peace.

Dean sighed angrily, resting his head on his palm, closing his eyes. School was almost over, Dean could confront Cas after school. He nodded to himself. Of course he'd never best him up or anything, jsut scare him a bit. Maybe give him a push. Deep down he knew Cas hadn't really done anything wrong, but this would make him feel better anyway.


Dean craned his neck to try to find Cas. He had to find him, quickly, before he disappeared to one of the places the rich kids go. He spotted a dark head bobbing above the rest of the crowd. For seeming so short, he was sure was taller then everyone else. Dean shook his head and locked his eyes on Cas, maneuvering around the crowd so he could end up behind him.

As they exited the school, Dean noticed Cas turned away from the rest of the crowd. He followed, trailing farther and farther behind him. Where is this guy going?

Can't head dipped down for a second as he glanced down at his phone amd took a sharp turn into a dirt path. Dean was starting to get worried about where Cas was going. He had never even been wherever they were now.

An old, rusted building appeared over a small hill. Cas picked up his pace as he spotted the building. He slowly reached into his bag and pulled out what looked like a knife.

Oh my god that's a knife!

Panic filled Dean's head. He knew this kid was weird but he didn't think he was Son of Sam weird. He didnt think he was weird enough to stab Dean for following him.

Cas ducked inside the building and Dean waited outside. He knew he had no chance to run, especially if Cas was getting his serial killer friends. Banging and yelling could be heard from inside and Dean clung onto his bag tightly, thinking about what he could use to throw them off if he ran.

He decided it would be best to hide behind a tree to get pictures. If Cas were to come out with a murderous gang, he could be the answer to any of the missing cases that had gone cold. Dean would be a hero and much safer then if he ran away and left this murderer roaming.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cas peeked out of the door, covered in blood. In his hands he held a machete and a head.

Dean nearly fainted at the sight.

"Oh my god!" Dean screamed from behind the tree. Cas' head snapped in Dean's directions, dropping the knife and the head. Dean could hear his blood pumping in his ears as he sprinted away. His cover was blown and he was dead unless he could get to the police.

"Wait!" Cas yelled, chasing after him.

Dean could feel his heart speeding up, feeling like it was gonna burst. Oh my god. He was dead. He was dead. He was so incredibly dead.

His foot caught on a gnarled root from some tree that apparently wanted him dead. He tumbled to the ground, head first, before scrambling to turn around so that at least he could die facing the murderer.

Cas caught up and looked down at him. He was sweating and the blood was starting to dry on his neck.

Cas took a deep breath, clearly frustrated. "Let me explain."

If you have a suggestion for the story, comment it and I'll check it out. I'll try to answer any questions anybody has but my emails not working at the moment and I can't verify my account. Thanks for reading!

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