9. It's a "Date", I Guess

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Cas always hated Wednesday. Sometimes, he was lucky and he got to have a Wednesday with nothing to do. This was not one of those Wednesdays.

Wednesdays were the days he had to visit his brother, Lucifer.

His brother had been sent to juvenile detention centers throughout his entire childhood, so being detained wasn't something new to Lucifer. What was new to Lucifer was being given a harsher sentence and being sent to a harsher prison. He'd been in the same prison for seven years, since his 18th birthday, and he still had twelve years to go.

Cas hated visiting his brother because he hated his brother. Everyone except his dad hated Lucifer. For some reason, Lucifer was the one child Chuck chose to genuinely love.

To Cas and all of his siblings, Lucifer was just a criminal and a drug addict.

Cas looked over to see his brother, Gabe, animatedly talking about the history of Hershey. Cas smiled. He hated Lucifer, but he loved Gabe's company. Gabe was by far his favorite sibling. He didn't talk to Michael much, Raphael was barely part of the family, and he kept his contact with Lucifer to the amount required by his dad.

He was completely lost in thought as he felt Dean smack into him, sending Cas into the rough pavement. He opened his eyes in surprise to see Dean laying on top of him.

"Damn it, Cas!" Dean angrily got up and brushed himself off.

"It wasn't my fault you fell into me."

"You should watch where you're going!"

Cas rolled his eyes, squinting at Dean in anger. Dean took Cas' silence as an opportunity to keep berating him.

"I've had a really bad week and I blame you for that!"

"Oh, so you're blaming me for the fact that you chose to apologize to me in the dumbest way possible?"

"Yes, I'm blaming you!"

Cas scoffed and squinted at Dean, stepping slightly closer so that he had to tilt his head up to continue making eye contact. Dean stared right back at him. Neither of them spoke or broke eye contact, they just continued to stare at each other angrily.

"Why are you such a dick, Dean."

Dean scoffed and pulled his eyebrows together into an angry expression. "Excuse me?"

"Yes, excuse you. The fact that all of your friends," Cas made airquotes as he said the word 'friends', "are bad people is your fault. It's not my fault they turned on you, you're the one who gave me a frickin' rainbow. Grow up and accept the blame."

"Well," Dean put his hands in his pockets, still staring at Cas, "What if I don't want to?"

Cas scoffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you serious? You're just going to avoid the blame."

Dean nodded and Cas sighed angrily, rolling his eyes, annoyed at Dean's childishness. "You act like you're three years old."

"That's great, Cas. If you could get off your high horse and get that stick out of your ass, maybe we could be friends."

Cas jabbed a finger into Dean's chest, glaring at him with anger in his eyes. "Don't talk to me like that, Winchester."

Dean had only just noticed how Cas' nose scrunched up when he got angry. "I can talk to you however I want."

Cas leaned in closer to Dean, glaring at him, before flicking him in the nose and crossing his arms. It took Dean a second to react. He scoffed and looked at Cas. "Did you really just flick me in the nose."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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