Chapter. 2 The advil

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Picture of Dana (Abigail's mom) -->

Dana's P.O.V

Ugh this girl! What am I gonna do with her? She's 22 years old and she acts like a damn child.

Now where's that Advil? She gave me a massive headache from all that screaming.

Beep.... Beep.... Beep

"Ugh damn phone"

"Hello, Dana Wilson speaking" I answered the phone.

"Hey Dana you ready for this weekend?"

"Hey Zara yes I'm so excited!"

"How did Abby handle the news of not being able to go?"

"Girl lets just say I'm about to take some Advil." I laugh slightly.

Zara laughs "that bad?"

"Mhm" i grunt feeling the pounding of my aching head.

"But let me go take care of this major headache. I'll call you Friday when I'm at the airport ."

"Sounds good to me, bye Dana"

"Bye Zara"

Oops i forgot to tell Abby its this Friday. I sighed. Well here goes more yelling. Ughh God have mercy on me with this child.

"Abby!" I yelled upstairs

"What?" She answered clearly upset.

"I forgot to mention I'm leaving Friday morning" I said.

"Ugh are you kidding me?! Ugh whatever" she yelled back. That girl and her damn attitude.

"U need to find a place to stay remember? So get cracking missy"

I heard a line of curse words "shit okay!"

"Abigail Wilson you better watch your damn mouth in my house"

I hear a slam of a door upstairs.

Well that went.....good.

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