Chapter. 5 Woah whos that?

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Picture of Ryder Gates -->

(Abby's brother) Chase's P.O.V

Thursday evening

"Aye Ryder come here man let's have a little talk" I say to my roommate, while sitting in a chair.

"What's up man?" Ryder says to me coming to sit with me at our table.

"Alright, so my sister Abigail is coming to stay with us for two months" Ryder smirks "so you cannot touch her, mess with her sexually, or flirt with her. Do I make myself clear?" That knocked the smirk right off Ryders face. He rolls his eyes.

"Yes dad" Ryder mocks. "I'm serious Gates" I say as he walks away. "Okay Chase, I understand"

"If i see any funny business going around it'll be the end of you Ryder" i state.

"Sir yes sir" Ryder turns around and winks at me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go get her now I'll see you in a few hours" I say to Ryder as I walk out the door.

I hop in the car "well here we go".

Abby's P.O.V

I'm packing the remainder of my clothes when my mom comes into the room. "Hey Abby, Chase told me he's on his way now Orlando is pretty far from here and he wanted to come a little early." My mom tells me.

"Okay that's fine" I tell her.

Time lapse - 2 hours later

"Chase is here!" My mom yells. I rush downstairs to find my older brother dressed in a white button down shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and white shoes. "Chase! I miss you bro!" I screamed as I jumped on my 26 year old brother giving him a giant hug.

"I miss you too Abby, you ready to go?" Chase says while hugging me back.

"Yea" I turn to mom "bye mom take care of yourself up there" I tell her kissing her cheek.

"You too sweet heart love you Abby" she says as she hugs me. "Bye Chase take care of Abby for me"

"I will mum" chase reassures mom and gives her a hug.

"Bye mom" me and Chase say together. We laugh as he gets my bags and we walk to the car together.

I get into the passengers seat and wait for Chase to get in the drivers seat. "So whats that thing you wanted to tell me over the phone." I look over to him he all of a sudden gets wide eyed. "I'll tell you when we get there sis don't worry." He tells me.

I don't think much of it then I lay my head down on the window and fall asleep.

Someone shook me again and again "Abby we're here, come on lets go" Chase says to me.

"Hmm? What time is it?" I ask my brother "10:24pm"  he tells me. I nod my head and get out the dreadful car.

"I forgot how beautiful your apartment was oh and the pool!!" My brother laughs at me as i stare at his place. I walk towards the door and hear music playing.

"Chase I think you left music on" I turn towards him and point towards this house.

"No I didn't" he says leaving me confused and nervous. He walks ahead of me.

"Then who has music on" I ask him suspiciously.

He chuckles and says "you'll see". Chase unlocks the door and he places my bags down inside. "Ryder! Come down here and lower the damn music" my brother calls. Hmm whos Ryder?

"I'm Coming" a very hot, masculine voice says.

This man or should I say god like creature came downstairs in sweatpants that hung underneath his waistline exposing the top of his v line and no shirt he was smoking  hot. I think I'm drooling! Oh my his jaw line is perfect! Sigh jaw lines are my weakness. When he sees me looking at him he smirked and walked over to us. He stopped in front of us and said "you must be Abigail" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. That made me blush really hard "Nice to meet you Abby" oh god I don't even know what to say my brother barged in and said "okay that's enough back away" he tells Ryder.

"Chase can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask my older brother. Still shocked from his sexy ass roommate.

"Sure" he took me into the kitchen.

"Who in the world is that? Why didn't you tell me about him? How old is he? How in the world is he so damn hot?" Oops I think I said that last one out loud.

"Well firstly that's my roommate Ryder Gates, secondly I didn't think you would come if I told you, thirdly he's 24 and no no no I don't want you messing with him he's bad news chica" who does he think he is i can mess with whoever I want "okay?" He ask me.

"Whatever" I smirked and left the kitchen. Looking at everything around the house.

I walk in the living room to see Ryder watching TV. As soon as he sees me he just looks at me watching my every move while I struggle to move my bags. Jeez what did I pack in here rocks? Ryder is still staring "what?" I ask. He stands and walks over to me and stops and frowns he says "it sucks that I have to be living with a sexy piece of meat like you and not be able to bang you" Ryder says i stare at him expectantly "your brother said i can't mess with you" Ryder brings my bags up to my room like if it weighed nothing. I wonder if he can carry me like that into his bed and -wait woah can't think like that.

Chase walked in and told me "I told Ryder not to try anything with you, now go ahead and take a shower we will be down here when you're done, your room is the last door to the right i redesigned it for you i know you'll love it"

"Thanks Chase and will do" I tell him as I go upstairs.

As I find my room Ryder comes out of it "thanks Ryder" I tell him. He nods and tries to walk past me but i stop him and say "by the way I'm not just a piece of meat I'm a whole buffet honey" i wink and walk past him swaying my hips a little more to mess with him, I enter my room and the walls are blue yayyy my favorite color. Now time for that shower, definitely taking a cold one.

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