Chapter 8

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"You got everything? ID? Passport? All ya dumb hair ties that I hate?" I started to laugh as I finished packing my bag for our trip to Tokyo.
"Yes I made sure to pack them especially for you." He grabbed my duffle and put it at the door as we waiting for his manager to come get us.
The trip wouldn't be sightseeing and endless ramen shops, but 5 concerts over a span of two weeks. It was my first time traveling with him since I came and I was nervous about it. We were leaving at 6am so the staff figured all us girls would be safe from the crowds. As I climbed in the back of the van, I met all the girlfriends. They were beautiful and all were from different cultures of the world.

As we arrived at Incheon, we covered our faces with our black masks and left the van first. The security walked in front of us and then built a barrier around the boys. As the doors opened, the crowd was huge and security started calling for back up immediately. I held my bags close to me as we pushed through the screaming fans that were blocking the path to the terminals. All the flashes of light where distorting my vision and the screams were too loud. I tried to cover my ears as we pushed through until I felt someone grab me. I looked over and a girl looked me in my eyes and pushed me out her way. My instincts pushed her back, causing her to fall to the ground. More girls swarmed, putting their cell phones in our faces as we pushed through to security. Once we got to the terminal, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face. I didn't want to ever experience that again, but I knew if Chanyeol and I went public, that would be my life. I started to understand why he was so big on protecting me and staying safe. I could see why he hated when fans acted out of line. Was I truly prepared for this like I thought?

I wiped my eyes and took a seat across from him in the terminal. He took out his phone and started texting me,
[Chanyeol]: did you get hurt? I saw you push that girl.
[Me]: no but that was traumatizing.
[Chanyeol] the fans woke up early today. They didn't think it would be this bad today. We keep complaining to our managers about security detail but they don't care.
[Me]: is this going to be our life if we come out?
He made a visible sigh before answering me,
[Chanyeol]: maybe. Maybe they'll get so mad that I'll finally get some peace. But my music is my life. I wouldn't want to lose their love of that.
[Me]: if they really love your music, they'll love you regardless of what you do in your private life. Real fans don't act like this.

Once we landed in Haneda, the crowds were thinner. There weren't any mobs to meet us, but just adoring fans that kept their distance. I watched Chanyeol and the guys being more pleasant, smiling for pictures and accepting gifts as they walked by.

We arrived at an AirBnB by the Tokyo Dome, we had dinner with all the boys and their girlfriends. Luckily I wasn't the newest one anymore because Baekhyun found a girlfriend in Hong Kong. We all got to know each other as the guys started playing some dumb games by the pool.

"So Chanyeol huh? He was my bias for a long time..." Baekhyun's girlfriend started.
"She wasn't a kpop fan before she met him..." Suho's girlfriend replied. She, just like him, was sort of our leader. She had been with Junmyeon for 4 years.
"Oh wow. So how did you all even meet?"
"Online playing a game."
"You game? I wish I could get Baek to's all day long with him."
"It's fun. Why don't you play with him?"

We all looked at the girl and started laughing at her princess attitude. We all decided to get our swimsuits on and joined the boys in some pool volleyball until about 2 a.m. Everyone was pretty flirty with their men and the endless bottles of Soju did not help. At one point to block the ball from Chanyeol, I jumped onto him and bit his neck. Since I wouldn't let go, he kept laughing as he carried me out of the pool. He waved them off and ended up carrying me to bed.

As I woke up in the morning, I had a nasty headache from all the drinking. I went to get a glass of water until I saw my phone ringing from the states,
"Mel? Hey long time!"
"I've missed you too girl. I know it's late over there but I wanted to congratulate you. You guys really look happy over there."
"Wait what are you talking about?"
"Dispatch and Naver been talking about you two all morning. I can't believe y'all went public."
"Wait what? We didn't! Let me call you back."

I frantically went on naver and there it was: "Chanyeol and Mystery Woman on vacation in Tokyo." Someone had gotten shots of us in the pool and when he carried me out. Everyone was sleep and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to upset Chanyeol so I decided to wake up his manager instead.

He approached the door after my frantic knocking, puzzled by the tears on my face, "what's going on?"
"Someone here leaked this..."
He looked over the pictures and started to get angry, "thank you. I'll handle it."

The next morning, I laid next to Chanyeol as he woke up. I hadn't fallen back to sleep since I found out the news and the guilt was eating me alive. I felt like I ruined everything and that I should just escape back home. His arms went to hug on me when he noticed my tear soaked cheeks, "Hey hey what's going on?" He started to pet my hair as I sobbed into his chest. He held me tighter and then I spoke up, "check your phone."

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