Chapter 6

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The next couple of months were torture for us. Though we spoke everyday like we did before, I couldn't help to feel empty without him. I started listening to his and his group's music and fell in love with every song. I found myself watching his performances and just admiring his talent. I couldn't believe the guy who I called my boyfriend was this incredible. One night, he went live on his professional Instagram, doing one of his goodnight broadcast and he ended up texting me the whole time. I laughed as he would text this next song is for you... while his fans kept thinking he was reading their comments. I enjoyed being his secret but I couldn't help how much I missed being with him.

Once my visa was approved, he made the arrangements for me to fly over for the summer. Since I was approved for 3 years, I would be able to fly back and forth to keep doing my job if I wanted to. A part of me knew that I wouldn't be back in the states for a long time.

The day before I left, he skype called me from the green room of a concert he was doing,
"Hey I can't talk long but are you all packed?"
I looked back at the camera as I put all my suitcases in the frame, "Yes I'm all packed. And I'll be leaving for the airport shortly."
"Ok good. My manager is going to pick you up. Once you get here, we'll get you all set up. I can't wait to see you..."
"Chanyeol-ah! Let's go!" An unfamiliar voice said as he looked over, "it's showtime. I love you."
"Love you! Break a leg!"
"See you tomorrow."

I had never felt so exhausted in my life. The 13 hour flight was the longest I had ever been on but the first class treatment made up for it. Getting through Incheon seemed so weird. There were so many people just standing around at the terminals on their phones at a platform in the front. As a car pulled up, all the people mobbed to the person coming out. There was chaos and commotion and I couldn't help but feel bad for the person who was just trying to get through. Through all that commotion, I saw a sign with my name and a familiar face.
" 한국에 오신 것을 환영합니다..."
"Thank you for coming to get me."
"We have to hurry while they're not watching." We started to rush to the car and I couldn't help but to ask what was going on.
"Oh that? Saseangs and fan sites."
"I'll explain in the car."

I hopped in the backseat of the van with his manager before I felt the car jolt forward to speed out of there.

"Whoa. Ok. What was all of that?"
"Chanyeol and other Kpop stars go through this whenever they travel. You have people who are like paparazzi that takes their pictures before they travel. Fashion brands sponsor their clothes so they can be featured at the airport. It's like a brand deal for them."
"Wow...and saseangs?"
"They are the fans that make this job hell."

We arrived at the SM building and I looked at his manager confused, "why are we here?"
"You're going to be employed here."
"Wait what?"
"He's here and he'll explain."

As we walked into the back entrance, I had to get an ID made, given access codes and asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. They brought me through the offices until I got to a practice room on the bottom level of the building. As the door closed behind me, I saw him. I saw him and all his brothers joking around and teasing him especially. I cleared my throat and they all looked in my direction, "baby girl!" He ran over to me and picked me up as they all teased in the background. I couldn't help but the wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly. I never realized how much I missed him until that moment. As the tears flowed down my face, he hugged me tighter and let me down, "don't cry. You're here with me now."
"I know. I just missed you so much."
"I missed you too. I know you're probably confused on why you're here." He led me over to the group and I sat next to him as I got introduced to everyone.
"Chanyeol is always the last one..." Baekhyun began. "No Kyungsoo still hasn't brought one home." Jongdae continued. I looked at both of them lost and then back at Chanyeol before Junmyeon began, "we put our girlfriends on staff. That way no one thinks we're dating them and they stay safe. You're Chanyeol's new stylist." I started to chuckle and looked at him, "no more bucket hats for you then."
We all began to laugh as he tickled my ribs slightly, "yea whatever."
"So you all have girlfriends?"
"I don't right now." Baekhyun continued, "but I have that got um...fired."
"Fired? Oh no."
"Yes," Junmyeon interjected, "we show what we show and we keep our privacy. You have to make sure you don't tell anything that goes on here or with you two. Chanyeol has never brought a girl home. So please follow the rules." I started to smile as I heard I was the first and nodded, "I'm a vault."

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