A prank gone right or......

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Vrindavan was adorned with flowers of all kind. The gopikas were sitting in a circle as they all told the tales of how they met Lord Krishna for first time. As they all were remembering the love that Shri Krishna seranaded them with Radha, Lalita and Vishakha came up with a game idea.

Let's all prank Shri Krishna today. We all have just one chance to make him fall for our tricks. All the gopikas were onboard with this plan but nobody was as excited as the youngest gopi there Priya.

Priya was about 15 years old. She had recently came to vrindavan from the area of Vidarbh as her parents heard about the way dairy products of Vrindavan were most demanded. They had moved to Vrindavan for the business of trade and on the first day itself as Shreya was bringing the pot of water from Yamuna ,Krishna himself had stopped her in her route to home.

"You are not from here, are you?" he had spoken with his mischievous smile and prankster smirk on display. Priya was new to town and had no idea of most of the paths so she had thought that the new guy will help her and she opened her mouth to answer his question as her eyes met with the lotus eyes of Krishna.

 Priya was new to town and had no idea of most of the paths so she had thought that the new guy will help her and she opened her mouth to answer his question as her eyes met with the lotus eyes of Krishna

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"Arya," she unknowingly murmured. Krishna was for a lack of better word divine, sacred, effulgent and dare Priya say man of her dreams and she was not exaggerating either. She used to see a dark man in her dreams who was flawless and perfect in a way even perfect word was not enough to describe. His curly locks of hair were swaying in the breeze and his smile was making Priya loose her sanity and consciousness.

"Are you Real, Are you Arya" and he had answered in his husky yet soft voice -
"100% in flesh and blood. You can touch to your heart's content." and that was the end for Priya. A sarcastic yet flirty reply and Priya was gone to heaven never to be resurrected again and that was how in front of Krishna priya had lost her consciousness.

And Priya convinced herself just like she was doing it for last few weeks it was genuine reaction , if you see boy you have only seen in your dreams standing in front of you what else will you do right.

Today was the day she was going to take revenge from him. She disguised herself as an old lady and went to mother Yashoda. She knew best way to prank Krishna was by taking Radha's name.

She reached the palace and said to Yashoda Maiya, I am Radha's mousi (maternal aunt) and Radha has told me to deliver a message to your family.

Maiya asked Priya to sit down as she called Kanha. It was second time that she had seen Krishna this close. Krishna with a smirk came and sat down next to Shreya. "What is Radha 's message for us?" he appeared to be proper picture of worried.

Priya's confidence had faltered the second she had to deal with his proximity but it was time for revenge.

"Radha had said to me that She is very angry with you Krishna. Maiya and baba, " she faced Yashoda ji and Nand baba she told me "that just yesterday Krishna during chasing her and her friends away from pearl farm that he had made himself by the pearls Radha beti had given him , pushed her due to which she broke her ankle and now no matter what we do it's not helping her with pain. We called so many vaidya and hakims but they all said they can't do much to help her."

Maiya and baba started to scold Krishna as Priya smirked finally her plan is working but next second Krishna tightly embraced Priya - " I am so sorry devi, I never meant to hurt Radha." It was obvious to Priya on whose shoulders Krishna had hidden his face that he was not crying. Now it became awkward to Priya. She was shivering due to excitement of Krishna's embrace and looking like the old lady she was it would be weird not to hug back a man who looks like a child in front of her. Her feet were not moving so she was unable to push him away. Finally finally seeing their Kanha that sad Maiya said to Priya. "Devi you should take Kanha to meet Radha. It would be nice if he can apologize to her directly."

Both Rohini Maiya and Baba and even Dau were okay with this solution. But Priya was not. Spending so much time alone with Krishna was not good for Priya's health. He drove her crazy.

"No no," she said "I will send Radha here." But Krishna was not having any of it. He took hold of Priya's hand and started to be stubborn. "No no I will go with you Devi. I did wrong I will not be able to eat or sleep if I won't apologize to my sakhi."

Finally she had to give up and take him with her. He won't leave her hand either. She tried to take it away but he gave excuse that he didn't know where Radha is and he will get lost. So reluctantly calming her beating heart she tried to continue journey but soon enough as they both walking together bumped into each other Priya finally lost it.

"I am Sorry. I was pranking you. Radha is alright. Just leave my hand."

"What if I don't," he answered unfazed.

He made Priya look at him and tears started to flow through her eyes. It was obvious to her that Krishna knew who she was all along. Now the question was why was he playing along???

"What magic have you done on me Arya. Why it's just you I see everywhere."

Krishna kept on smiling at Priya

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Krishna kept on smiling at Priya.

"Do you think I will ever let go of you" he then said pointing at their still intertwined hands.

"Arya," once again Priya said with tears in her eyes as her soul, heart, mind and existence all was surendered to her Arya in the other second.

"U Me ,forever and always." ended Krishna with a promise that both Priya and Krishna know would be unbroken and unadulterated.


Dedicated to EhaanLover

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