Her Archer

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Being born in Kalyug had its own benefits and off course shortcomings. Biggest benefit for unmesha was pani puri and biggest short come well it becomes complicated from here. Uni as her friends called her was a girl of grace and simplicity. Although she was beautiful but she really didn't feel that about herself.

The day she tied Rakhi to Lord Krishna, he became her sakha and brother but nobody told Uni that generally nar and narayan are a package deal. One doesn't come without the other and so biggest complication of her life came in form of Arjun. Yes the Archer infact the best archer and Warrior of the universe as Uni knew him as , this 5 letter name ARJUN came into her life and changed it completely 180*.

Unmesha was introvert but Arjun's memories made her writer, she was song lover but his love made her a singer. She was incomplete and his love made her complete. Now the problem was loving shri Krishna by madhurya bhaw was actually known to society because of Meera but loving Arjun at most people considered it admiration. Like they write essays of my favorite political leader or singer or XYZ.....

But it wasn't just a crush or a hobby or admiration. His love defined her. She didn't want to be like him rather she wanted to belong to him.

And soon enough an opportunity came to be. Unmesha's brotherly affection for Lord Krishna was quite known. And thus on the day of raksha bandhan as Uni came to temple to worship shri Krishna and tie Rakhi on his wrist another voice interrupted her. She turned around to see a man about few years older than her was standing in front of the statue of shri Krishna.

"I will worship him first. It's friendship day and I have brought a friendship band for him. So he will wear my band first."

But uni was not hearing what the young man was saying because well the guy was so unbelievably handsome. He had built that Uni had not seen anywhere before. And he also had bow marks as if he has practiced archery all his life. His dark skin was shining due to presence of perspiration hinting his obvious workout to reach here before anyone else.

 His dark skin was shining due to presence of perspiration hinting his obvious workout to reach here before anyone else

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Seeing her distracted state the guy excitedly like a child put the band on Lord Krishna's statue. As Uni kept on staring finally the guy held out his hand after a fake cough to get back her attention.

Uni came out of her trance and looked at the extended hand of guy. This time when he spoke up she was able to listen to him and just like his overall appearance his voice was also divine like rumbling thunders.

" Arjun," the guy introduced himself to Uni. Uni finally cleared her throat and took his extended hand. " Unmesha," she introduced herself with a smile.

"My my what a beautiful voice of a beautiful lady." Unmesha was unable to react to this comment. Finally with a sigh she muttered a quick Thank you and tried to leave.

"Uni you didn't tie rakhi to Krishna," Arjun said. Except for Arjun though Uni had never felt any attraction towards other male ever. She wanted to distance herself from him. She hurriedly tied Rakhi to her Govind and tried to go back home. But Arjun followed her.

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