Dead Men Stories

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Valkyrie: Does anyone have any embarrassing stories of Skulduggery?

Skulduggery: I'm naturally perfect

Ghastly: I've got Plenty

Dexter: As do I

Saracen: There are heaps of embarrassing stories from the war

Skulduggery: What happened to the "what happened in war stays in war"

Dexter: My friend, I think we can bend the rules. Centuries have passed

Valkyrie: Oh I'm looking forward to this

Fletcher: Guys do tell, what did Skulduggery look like when he was a human?

Skulduggery: Amazingly good looking, drew all women to me

Saracen: Yeah you sure did draw did draw the attention of that girl

Dexter: Oh are we talking about Xsarea?

Skulduggery: Not her again....

Valkyrie: Who was she?

Skulduggery: No one

Saracen: Skulduggery's first girlfriend

Skulduggery: Oh god....

Dexter: She was pretty, I'll give you that

Saracen: I recall Dexter trying in vain to flirt with her. But nay, she was already in love with Skulduggery

Skulduggery: I was quite the charmer

Fletcher: Surprise Skulduggery had a charming side

Skulduggery: Hence why I am now dating the most beautiful girl on the planet

China: Aw thank you xx

Skulduggery: Meanwhile Fletcher you are stuck with the average Valkyrie Cain

Valkyrie: Hey!

Skulduggery: Relax Val

Saracen: Anyhow Skulduggery managed to go out with Xsarea against Dexter's wishes

Dexter: I still don't get how she picked him over me

Saracen: Skulduggery loved her. They went on little dates together. Skulduggery talked about her all the time

Dexter: Anyhow one day she left and Skulduggery was devastated

Valkyrie: Where'd she go?

Dexter: Who knows? She probably went to chase butterflies or something. She's probably regretting picking Skulduggery over me

Skulduggery: Still annoyed about that one huh

Dexter: I just don't get how she could resist my charms!!

Valkyrie: So where is she now

Saracen: Probably married to some guy by now. Probably forgot all about Skulduggery

Fletcher: Ouch

Xsarea: Hey Skulduggery. Long time no see

China: Stay away from my boyfriend!!!

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