Part 4: Neo's Hero

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Neo:" Roman, he is the one I saw when we were in Atlas. Remember. The one who protect me."

I just stare at the scroll.

(Y/N):" Wait What?!"




I was walking down the streets of Atlas. I was looking for an Ice cream shop. I must have wonder for hours because Roman text me.

Roman: Hey Neo. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU! WE GOT A JOB! Thank you! 😌

I don't want to be here but job is a job. I went down an alley and several men walk up to me.

Man 1:" Hey little lady. Me and my boys were wondering, where you going?" He pull out a knife.

Man 2:Almost hissing."Yeah. YEah. YEAH. You tell her boss." He step beside the first man.

Man 1:" Don't worry little lady. We be Gentle."

Two men behind me grab my arms. I struggle. Then the Hissing man punch me in the gut.

Man 2:" Hey now. We don't want to hurt you." pull a knife from his back.

Then I look up to see an man in full (F/C) coat and black pants. He look down at me. Then several men with masks appear on the building tops. They look down at me. I was about to kill them but they vanish.

???: "Gentlemen. I think that not how to treat a lady properly?"

We all turn around to see the man again. His eyes was full black, but the silver isles. Then I felt the men hands fall down. I look around only to find several men with masks. They walk to the wall and merge with it.

???: " I hope that I didn't scare you much. I was lucky that I saw this."

I turn to see the man. His Slick (H/C) hair and his smooth (S/C) skin. He step forward, holding his hand out.

???: " How about I buy you some ice cream, that should help right?"

I nod and walk with him.



I then remember it. Oh damn, that was her. Damn she look different in the day than she does at night.

I look up to her, she still petting my hair. Roman just stood there, watching as Neo just pet me.

Roman: "Well then, I guess you can keep him. (looks at you) Sorry that she took a liking to you. But I much hope that you can keep her happy. It would be your head."

He then walk out of the room. I feel more than trap and pin now, Neo is sitting in my lap and stroke my cheeks. She stare into my eyes the whole time. Is this what rape feels like? Or is this just some Yandere type of situation going on? I am not getting laid tonight am I?

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Someone was knocking on the door. Neo look towards it. She get up, then I turn into a puppy and follow her, without her knowing. She open it, and stood there was a white fang soldier.

WF:" Boss wants everyone up front."

Neo nod while I then run to the corner. Once there I turn into a Wolf White Fang member and walk down the halls. I only hope that Neo didn't notice me at all.

Then I felt a tap behind me. OH s**t. Damn. I turn to see a familiar face. The Man with grey hair and profound boots.

???: "Hey you. I need you to tell Roman that Cinder ask for Him."

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