Part 11: Summer Time

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(Guys Summer Don't Get enough love, so I am going to give it to you)

Me and Summer was in an teacher's office away from other students and teachers. So basically in an abandon spot within the school. Me and her were siting near a small round table, siting on opposite ends.

Me and Summer had a nice and long talk to each other. We both found out that our families have a common ancestor but I think because of decades of other blood come up we are only 2% related to each other. It was nice that even if she was not directed related, but least I have someone else in my family. I smile at the thought.

She talks about how much she loves cookies from one of mine restaurants. I was a bit surprise but states to her that I own it. She immediately starts to thank me about the amazing cookies and goodies that my store creates.

She starts to talk about her daughter name Ruby, which I met earlier, and I was impressed with her record. Youngest one in Beacon, can stand up against Roman Torchwick in a fight, and even been train by one of the bests teams in Beacon's history. I was in awe.

Summer: "My little rose is so is amazing."

Y/N: "It was be nice to have someone like you to be there for her."

Summer: "You bet. So how is your parents?"

I look down in sadness. I remember how she dead, her death in my hands, how I couldn't save her. Summer quickly took notice of this.

Y/N: "It was not too long ago that I lost them. About 6 months ago. Let just say that I never properly grieve of their deaths. I join Atlas two days after they died and never attempt to make a funeral for them. They other ones for know is Me, Qrow Branwen, Raven Branwen, Cinder Fall, and of course Ozpin."

She was shock that it happens. I sigh and look out a nearby window to the rising sun. I felt something warm on my hand, it reminded me of mother. I began to panic, breathing heavily,  and look to my hand. I saw that Summer put her hand on mine. I look into her silver's eyes. It was a beautiful color for her. I was caught in a daze. I began that to calm down.

She must have notice because she blushes while looking into mine. She began to lean in and I as well. Our lips press together, and it was a blessing. It was sweet like a rose and taste like cookie. She move her hand to the back of my head and mine to her hips. We deepen our kiss and I place both of my hands on her waist while she to my neck.


I am so sorry Tai but something about Y/N make me want him. I felt something pulling me towards him. Oh Oum please make this work out.

We start to have a little make out session. He lift me on top of the table and place both if his hands on my hips. I place mine of his head, damn his is a good kisser. I wrap my legs around his waist, holding him there.

I lick his bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. He squeeze my side, making me yelp, and then ram his tongue into mine. He is experience with this. We fought for dominance, but it was clear that he was winning. He explore his new territory.

Man it was good. My mind was going blank of how good he was making me. We parted ways for a second to catch our breathes.

Then he eyes widen.

Y/N: "I-I-I am s-so sorry Summer. I know that you have a husband. I am sorry for that."

I caress his face and look into his eyes.

Summer: "Y/N, there something special about you. I want you to be with me for awhile."

Y/N: "I feel like I am helping you to cheat on your husband."

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