Part 10: Visit

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Weiss: "This is it! Y/N is visiting today! Yah!"

Ruby: "What are you talking about?"

All of the team was walking to the Bullhead platform. Today is visiting day for all of Beacon. They are getting visitors from other schools and academies and even some parents to check on their children. This was a big day for everyone.

Weiss looking around fast to spot you. She must have been doing it for about two hours before setting her eyes upon you. You were wearing a tailcoat instead of your coat. You were walking along side Cinder and Neo (She with that twin black ponytail and green eyes.)

Weiss: "Y/N!"

Y/N turn to see Weiss and ran to her. They hug each other tightly, never wanting to be separated again. Once Y/N notice that people was staring he let Weiss go.

Y/N: "Well my little snowflake. We got ourselves a little audience. This is going to be fun!"

Weiss start to drag him to Team RWBY. She smile the whole time, which creep some people out.

Weiss: "Y/N this is my team, Team RWBY. This is my team leader Ruby Rose, she a bit hyper. Then one in black is Blake Belladonna."

Y/N: "SO you are Kali's Kid. I already met your parents once. They were lovely people. I can see that you look a lot like your mother. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

Weiss: "And finally this is Yang Xiao Long."

Y/N: "We already met Weiss. This is nice to meet the rest of you, it is an honor to be in your presence."

All three girls blush slightly by your remarks. You bow your head while putting your hand on your heart. Cinder and the others came and introduce themselves. Cinder was very clingly with you but you don't mind. Weiss was a bit jealous but understood why.

Weiss' mind: 'He must have not see me as a woman. He must have seen me as a daughter or something. I wonder on how to make him look at me like a woman.'

To much of Weiss' thought little did see know that each and every member of RWBY have some type of feeling towards you.

Ruby's mind: 'I wonder if he can make me lots of cookies? I would love a man who can beat me in cooking.'

Yang's mind: 'He know my mother well. I could use that to my advantage and also he is a cutie.~ I wouldn't mind keeping him for myself.'

Blake's mind: 'He is so well manner. He also care lots for Faunas with equal rights. I would love to get closer to him than Adam.'

Neo tug on Y/N's shoulder. You look at her and she pull you in for a kiss. Everyone mouth drops and eyes went blank. Cinder became jealous. (Emerald is with Mercury unless you want me to fix that.)

Y/N: "Neo I told you, we can do this later. Not right now." *turn to Weiss* "I will explain everything at a later time. For now I would like to lie down for a but, I have been busy for the past 36 hours. Thank you Weiss, I knew I could trust you.

Weiss' mind: 'This is his way of saying "GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW BEFORE I KILL EVERYONE HERE!" I must admit he isn't showing it as much as I thought he would.'

Weiss: "Yes of course. This way."

Y/N: "Thank you"

Y/N's mind: 'Thank Oum. I was going to kill everyone if I get tick off once more again. I haven't slept for the past day and a half, I need to rest.'

As you walk away with Weiss, Neo pick up a sign and it reads 'His is our boy toy. Back off.' Cinder smirk and walk away with Neo. Yang was mad at Neo after the train incident, she immediately try to punch her but Raven then step in front and look a Yang.

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