Part 7: Snow fall

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(I want to say thanks to the 60 views who read my little story that I am literally winging at this point because why not.)



I am waiting for the Schnee dust company's owner. My shadows cover the room with eyes of 8 men with swords on their hips. Come enter Jacques Schnee. He have two people behind him, one was a little girl with a white dress and another was a boy who look and act like him.

Jacques: "OH MY. Well isn't lord (Y/N)." Nervous "W-What can I do for you?"

Me: smile "Did you just stutter? Did I make the great Jacques chock on his own words?" I stand up and approach

Jacques: "W-What No. No you didn't"

The two small children was confuse on what their father was panicking about.

Me: "AAAAH" I look at those two "Please forgive me. I didn't know that Jacques travel with two little angels. A princess and a prince that follow a lord who pretends to be king. Do you know who is king between the two of us?"

The boy was hesitated on his words, look at Jacques. The Girl simply say that it was me, I saw something in her eyes.

Me: "My oh my. The little princess got it right." I twirl around her and stop facing the others, behind her "Jacque. Who are these two? Especially this one right here."

I point to her before placing my hands on her shoulder. She was cold, but warm. I felt this once before, but I do not know where. Certainly not by mother or father. Maybe from the voice?

Jacques: "That is my daughter Weiss and this young man is my son Whitley." He says, recomposing himself.

Me: "AH! I hope that when they are older, I think they make me happy. Isn't the heiress is your daughter Winter, right?"

Jacques: even more nervous now "Well yes. But it just that she is persist on joining Atlas Military and disowning the family legacy."

I was somewhat furious. I know that he abuse his children and hurt them, but he only doing it to ensure that I am happy. Guess that I cause this on them. I feel somewhat responsible. I squeeze on Weiss shoulder.

Me: "Well then, I have but one question on you. Did you find it? Did you find them?" I let go of Weiss and walk away to a window to see to the city.

Jacques: "Yes the Apathy. We found them and trying our best to hold them at bay."

Me: "Good. I need to know if I can control them or not. Pull back everyone who is there and replace them. And have the new ones built a wall about 400 meters away, to make sure that they are change out by force every three days."

Jacques: "Yes my lord. I will make sure that it is done."

Me:" And Jacques I would like to ask your children a few questions. Get out and I would call you in a little bit."

Jacques: "But they ar-"


He then walk out. I turn to see two children with shock expressions. I smile and sit down, I motion them as well.

Me: "Don't worry children. I won't hurt you, I just want to ask some questions."

They sit down and stare at me.

Me: "Do you know what is my rules? And also do you know whom I am?"

The shake their heads no.

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