Chapter 1

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Dark figures surrounded Deceit as he looked around his room. Dark, hollow and empty. That's how everything was- dark and empty. His room, his hallucinations, his thoughts, his existence. All of it was dark. Nothing was pleasant about him. He was a born disaster.
       The shadows had been appearing for some time now,  but the more they appeared, the more they started to resemble his fellow sides. There was one for Virgil, one for Logan, one for Patton, one for Roman, and lastly, one for Thomas.
       Often, they would just be figures the snake-like side seen about the dreaded place he called his home, but other times they would speak to him.
      'Ugh, I hate this guy! His creepy snake-face!'
      ''Well, your face ruined my day!'
      'Dr. Trickle and Mr Lies.'
      'I honestly don't believe you can give your honest opinion.'
      'Oh, that's definitely a lie!'
      Their words stung like a knife in the back, but he couldn't let that get him down. After all, he was a dark side. He should be ready and prepared for these insults! But, for some reason, he never was ready for them.  For some reason, they always hurt the same.
      Deceit never asked to be the villain yet he was forced into being one. Tortured by himself, if you will. His host was the one everyone listened to. If Thomas didn't like someone, no one else would either. And sadly, Deceit was one of those people.
       'I just want to be like them!' He thought. 'I want people to love me. I want people to look up to me. I want people to respect me. I want people to believe in me. I want to be one of them!'
       But deep down, inside of Deceit, he knew that was never gonna happen.

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