Chapter 7 - 5 Days Remaining

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He should just give up...

As the sound of 'Mysterious Paths' by 'Marco Belloni' echoed throughout his room, Deceit's eyes were reading over the words in his journal at his desk. His book of poems. He felt like writing another one-another poem.

But that would be going against his promise. His promise to himself. That he was going to get better. That he was going to get better and not write another. But he was getting worse. And that's all he was good for anyways; lying.

Roses are red,
Logan wears a tie,
I'm breaking, my life's falling apart, and I don't even know why I try

So short yet so much meaning. At least, to him it is. To everyone else it's probably just a joke. It was simply a double entendra-in a way.

A knock at his door startled the side and he figuratively jumped out of his scales before closing the book and going over to the door. "No?" He called through the door before opening it a creak to see who it was. Remus. He opened the door fully and looked at him.

"I know you're probably gonna yell at me again but... I wanna ask again if you're okay..." Remus mumbled, looking down. He was obviously still hurt from their last encounter.

"Yes, I'm fine." Deceit sighed as he responded. He took in the way Remus was acting and he felt weak. What had he done-

"Thomas is going through spells of either only lying or only telling the truth- You're clearly not.." Remus mumbled quietly, looking up at Deceit hesitantly.

"Well-" Deceit was crumbling more and more inside. The only person who'd ever cared in the slightest was scared of him now...

"Please Dee.. I know you can be honest.. so please... be honest with me..." Remus took hold of Deceit's hands softly and both of their faces turned faint shades of pink.

"I am being honest.." Deceit mumbled, looking down.

"You're not..-" Remus' voice came out as a quiet mumble and a shadow cast over his face.

"Rem, trust me, I'm being as honest as I can-" Deceit sighed and cupped Remus' cheek with one hand. Remus' face turned a slightly brighter shade of pink and Deceit smiled softly at him.

"O-Okay-" Remus nodded and smiled softly back at him. "If you say so- But I'm here if something is wrong, kay?"

Deceit nodded. "Kay. Thanks." His smile grew slightly.

Deceit moved his hand away from Remus's cheek and prepared to say goodbye to him but Remus quickly wrapped his arms around him in a hug. He froze for a moment and went to hug back but Remus' had already pulled away. He, thankfully, managed to hide the look of disappointment on his face.

"I'll... talk to you later?" Remus smiled at him before bouncing of down the hall, singing sone song about blood.

Deceit smiled as he watched him leave before closing the door after Remus was far down the hall. He turned around and leaned his back against the wall, sliding down it and sighing contently.

Then realisation hit him.

Remus blushed-

(Holy crap- 3k views?! Ehsonehxix thank you!! x)

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