Chapter 3-9 Days remaining

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Dirty Liar

My face aches
My body's filled with pains
My heart is broken
Nobody cares
No one's here to save me
HeLp Me
       The ink ran off Deceit's pen as he wrote in his yellow notebook. The notebook was his only way of feeling like he could truly be open with someone. Be honest.
He sighed as he closed his notebook and hid it away. Who knows what might happen if someone finds it?
Deceit sunk down to Remus' room and waved at his friend. "Hey, Remus."
"ACK-," Remus fell off his chair backwards and landed with a soft 'oof'. "Oh! Hey, Deceit! I didn't see you there!" He looked at his friend and smiled.
Deceit folded his arms and chuckled. "Not clumsy at all," he said sarcastically.
Remus jumped up. "Soooooooo....Whatcha need?" He fixed his chair and stood upright, looking in Deceit's two eyes.
"Don't wanna hang out," Deceit shrugged, smiling.
       "Sweet!" Remus grinned. "What we gonna do though? I hope it's annoying the lights sides again! There faces are hilarious!"
Deceit smirked. "Sure!" Inside, however, he just wanted to be normal and read or something.
        "Can it be Roman again? Oh oh oh! Virgil! Yes! Let's annoy Virgil!" Remus gleamed.
       The lying side rolled his eyes. "Of course not, Remus!"
       Remus laughed and sunk down to Virgil's room. "Come on, then! Ya stinky cheese!"
       Deceit knew Remus was joking around, but that still hurt.

"Oh, Virgil~" Remus cooed as he and Deceit appeared in Virgil's room.
       "Hi.Hello.What do you want?" Virgil glared at the duo of them.
       "To mess with you. We're bored, Virgil!" Deceit said, wondering if Remus would pick up on him not wanting to be there. Did he notice? No. Instead, he and Virgil gave Deceit the same look.
       "You...can tell the truth? Hmm. Learn something new every day," Virgil teased.
       "Exactly what I was thinking," Remus smiled. He then turned to Virgil again, just missing Deceit's defeated face.
       "So? What you here to do?" Virgil asked, leaning back on his chair and neatly folding his arms.
      "Well-" Remus paused. He hadn't thought that far. "I don't... actually know. I jut wanted to have some fun and didn't plan that far ahead," he shrugged.
       Virgil snickered for a moment. "Well, go have fun elsewhere!" He stood up and pushed Remus back a little into Deceit.
       The snake grabbed Remus' arms to help prevent them both to crash on the floor. "No. Let's not do that."
      "Awww why?" Remus asked, looking up at him.
      "Because! I want to stay here and annoy Virgil!"
     Neither Remus nor Virgil knew if Deceit was speaking honestly or not, which he wasn't.

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