Chapter 1

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(Song for the Chapter is 'How It Feels To Be Lost by Sleeping With Sirens. Enjoy!)

Scarlett's P.O.V

Hi. I'm Scarlett. I'm 19 years old and have a sister who's 2 years older than me. I still live with my parents. I didn't go to college because my parents said I didn't need it and I work at a diner not too far from my house. I love every single day of my life and have no regrets.

Man, if only that were true.

"Wake up bitch!" was the first thing I heard my 'mother' say


"Momma, momma," I say happily

"Yes, sweetie?" she replies

"Look what I drew for daddy, momma," I say, showing her the picture I drew "It's me and daddy at the park," I say happily

"That's very good honey. Daddy will love it," she says with a smile. I loved my mother's smile. Little did I know it would be the last I ever saw of it.

It was my 5th birthday that day. The day I lost my father. We were close. Really close. Closer than my older sister Arianna was to our father. We did everything together. I would help him fix cars in the junkyard with my uncle and he would play dress up and have tea parties with me.

Getting a call from our aunt, my mother dropped to her knees.

"W-what do you m-mean he's gone?" she questioned

There was an accident. My dad was on his way home from the store with a gift for me. It was a locket. One that I wear every day as a reminder of my father.

"C'mon girls. We have to go tell daddy goodbye," my mother said

"Why?" I questioned. I was a curious kid, so I questioned everything. But this time, my curiosity turned out to be a crime.

"Shut up Scarlett! This all your fault!" my mother snapped

But I was 5, I didn't really understand what she meant by it being my fault. Driving to the hospital, we race to our father's room. Staring at him, he looked to be sleeping, but soon enough his heart stopped. Doctors tried everything they could, but it was too late. If with the help of an intubation tube he couldn't breathe on his own.

---Flashback Over---

Ever since my father died, my mother blamed me for his death. Namely, because it was my birthday and I told my father that I wanted a locket that year. For a while, my mother would just ignore me at times, forgetting that I even existed at times. But she was never physical. That is until she met Jim.

To put it lightly, Jim ass. If he was good at anything, it would be being a greedy ass mother fucker. My mother, looking for someone other than our family members fell "in love" with Jim. He had money, and at this point, my mother was a greedy ass mother fucker as well. Gold digger of the year if you ask me.

Jim...changed my mom. Yes, she turned into a money-hungry hoe after my dad died. But once she met Jim and they got married, there was no going back for her. Unless Jim dies, which would be fantastic but let's not go there...yet anyway.

Finally getting up, I go take a shower and brush my teeth and change into my work clothes. The attire was all black, which is something I had a lot of. I hated dresses that short, but hey, I needed some money and every other job needed a college degree of some sort, which is something I'm never going to have. Going downstairs, I see that there are pancakes on the table and eggs. Taking some, I put them on my plate and eat them quickly before anyone could take them away.

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