The Beginning

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High School : Senior Year

Jimin woke up normally like every other day. But he woke up feeling different. He didn't know why, but he did. He called his best friend, Kim Taehyung, like he always did. He grabbed his phone clicking on Tae's contact. It rang.


"Taehyungie! You still coming to pick me up? My car's still in the shop."

"Ah, yeah. I'll come get you. Be ready in 30 okay?"

"Ya, okay thanks. Bye Tae."

Tae hung up. Jimin got up and ready to shower. He felt like today was going to mark the day his life changed. His wolf was screaming at him.

"Look your best today. You need to make a good impression today!"

"What? Why?"

"Just trust me Jimin."

"Ugh, okay fine."

He slipped on some black jeans and a red shirt. He decided to wear 2 rings each hand, his long earrings and a chocker.

"This good enough?"


He sighed then walked downstairs hoping Taehyung was close. He heard the doorbell ring, he walked and opened it grabbing his bag and keys as he walked out.

"Hey Tae."

"Hey did you hear?"

Jimin checked his phone to see the time while responding to Taehyung.


"We're getting a new student. We don't know what his second gender is. But we do know he's a boy and 2 years younger. But he was able to skip 2 years."

"He must be really smart huh?"

"Not necessarily I guess."

They got in the car, talking about the new student, all the way to school. Once they parked they walked into the gym for the assembly they were told about yesterday. The assembly was to welcome 3 new teachers and give news about upcoming events. It was something Jimin never payed attention to, with Tae being in leadership he knew a lot of the news ahead of time. Sometimes he'd fall asleep and Tae would have to smack him awake.

"Today we get a new quarterback since Hailey had to move. Please welcome, all the way from England, Jeon Jungkook."

Everyone began clapping at the principal's words. A tall, muscular, good looking boy walked next to the principal and bowed. Jimin could smell, and probably everyone else. This Jungkook guy was in fact an alpha.

"I hope to serve our football team well. As I am now the leader and quarterback. I hope you'll get used to me and we can become great friends."

Jimin noticed how Jungkook's eyes seemed to be glued to him. Jimin smirked bowing his head as he clapped.


Jimin and Taehyung were talking until they heard a bunch of girls screeching in the cafeteria. They looked back from their table to see Jungkook and the rest of the football team walking in. It seems they've become really close already. There was a game that night too. The group decided to take the table behind Jimin and Tae. They ignored the football team until they heard a certain conversation.

"So, Jungkook. Any omegas caught your attention?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"There was a cute boy next to one of the leaders in the bleachers."

"Park Jimin? Really? No way bro!"

Jungkook took a sip of his juice then cocked his head to the side.

"Why no?"

"Jimin is like a national gold. The girls look up to him and all the boys want him. He doesn't talk to or get close to almost anyone except Taehyung."

Another player chimmed in, "He also doesn't exactly trust alphas."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, intrigued to learn about this beautiful omega.

"And why is that?"

Before he could answer Jimin slammed his hands on the table.

"Talking about me eh?"

The alphas panicked except for Jungkook.

"N-no Jimin, we swear!"

"Keep my name out your mouth. Got it?"

"Y-yes, of course."

Jimin did look intimidating. He stared at the boys one last time before pushing his hands off the table and walking back to his table. Jungkook stared at them.

"Why are you so scared of him?"

"He's broken an alphas arm for touching his butt. You have no idea what he's cable of. We still don't know for sure."

Another player chimmed in a little panicked.

"If you want to get a good look at Jimin," he whispered the rest of his sentence, "he has a dance recital tomorrow. Right after school."

Jungkook nodded.

Jimin stood up and walked to the door before getting swarmed by girls.

"Wish you luck with your dance tomorrow! Are you going to be at the game tonight? Can you teach me some moves? Are you going to be the football team's cheerleader again tonight?"

He chuckled at all the girls comments and questions.

"Ah, yes I will be at the game. Thank you for the good wishes. And I can't teach you much, but we could try. Is that it ladies?"

The Omegas nodded and bowed as he bowed back and walked through the doors with Tae following behind.


Jimin frowned looking down at his phone. At the message Tae has sent him.

Tae Tae💞
So sorry! My mom said I've gotta stay home tonight to watch my sister and brother. Love you😔🤘🏽💞

It's fine, I have the girls to talk to at the game. You know I can protect myself.

Tae Tae💞
Have fun hyung💖

Oi, you too

Jimin sighed as he turned his phone off, sliding it into his pocket. He walked out to the field, the only light being the large lights shining down on the field. He sat in the front blechers. A group of girls ran over and hugged him as they sat down. A smile plastered on Jimin's face.

"All the alphas love your outfit Jimin-shi!"

Jimin chuckles as he looked down.

"Aish, they always love what I'm wearing."

The girls giggled as they sat with Jimin comfortably. Soon the football teams were running out with cheering from the people in the stands. Soon the game started. Jimin being the cheerleader he always has been.


The crowd shouted the chant back. Giving the football team more passion and of course, ending up with them winning. Everyone stood up screaming and cheeriny. Jimin still seated, legs crossed. Clapping with a small smirk on his face.

"You did good Jeon. You did good."


Thank you for reading my first episode. I hope you like the rest of the story!

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