Please Don't Leave!

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Jimin woke up with his face wet with tears. He sat up and wiped his eyes. He grabbed his phone and checked the time. 9:45. He sighed then grabbed his phone and texted Tae.

Tae Tae💞
So? What happend?

Ah, I'll tell you later. Me and Hwa-Young will be over soon.

Tae Tae💞

Hmm okay

See ya later babe

Yeah, see you

He got up and showered. He cried in the shower, letting his thoughts get to him. Once he finished showering he got dressed and freshened up. He applied light makeup then sighed. He walked back into their room then started shoving things into a suitcase. He grabbed his suit case then opened the door. Jungkook's limp body fell to Jimin's feet. He quickly got up and grabbed Jimin's arms then went to kiss him but Jimin turned his head away.


"Let go Jungkook," Jimin looked back at Jungkook with a pained expression. Arms tensing.

Jungkook released him then looked down. Jimin pulled his luggage out the door and to the front door. He walked back up the stairs and woke up his little girl. He gave her clothes to change into then started packing her things.

"Mama, what's happening? Are we going on vacation?"

Jimin looked up and smiled.

"Not exactly hun."

She looked at him confused then he picked her up, placing her on his hip while putting her backpack on his other shoulder. He carried her to the car with Jungkook trailing behind. Jimin placed her in her car seat. Jimin walked back to the house and reached for his suitcase before Jungkook grabbed his arm.

"Let me hug her and kiss her before you go."

"Let. Go."

"Jimin please. She's my daughter."

Jimin pulled his hand away then grabbed his suitcase and nodded towards the car then walked to it. Jungkook reached in the back and held his daughter. Not knowing when he'll see her again. He gave her forehead a long, love filled kiss.

"I love you Princess. Be good for mommy okay?"

She nodded with a big smile on her face.

"You aren't coming daddy?"

Jungkook gave her a weak smiled then shook his head.

"No, not this time. Um, but I will see you soon okay baby?"

"How soon daddy? I'll miss you!"

Jungkook felt like he could cry. All because of a dumb mistake. He couldn't believe he was losing his husband and baby girl all because of that dumb chick! Chelsey Choi could go to hell for all he cared!

"Please Jimin. Rethink this. This will hurt our daughter a lot more than us. Come on, you don't have to forgive me but please."

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