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So you're probably wondering what you've gotten yourself into when you starting reading this. You know, we were thinking the same thing. A triad of minors addressing issues that some people don't even know exist, giving you insight into the minds of three samples of adolescent society. Three authors, all of whom live very different lives, who wish to share some knowledge and opinions that have been bottled up for a bit too long. 

This story is not made to offend, disrespect, or spread false ideas. To the best of our abilities, we provide evidence to prove our points and persuade you, the reader, that our words are worth your time.

As for this introduction? Well, I thought it'd be most fitting to be introduced properly to our authors. 

Raileo (Head writer, head spokesperson, co-researcher): 

Your average youth with an unhealthy dosage of self-deprecation and insomnia, they probably don't have the terms "normal sleeping habits" or "socially acceptable eating times" within a mile radius of their vocabulary. They prefer they/them pronouns, and are usually okay with solving issues over a cup of tea and a "friendly debate". 

"Debating is like arguing, but with less broken teacups and a lot more cleaning up."

Sonny Appleseed (Head designer, head researcher, co-writer):

I'm always up to crack a joke, light fixture, egg, or neck. Currently, I am addicted to chocolate milk and memes, so you can understand how excited I am when I see memes about chocolate milk. If you don't know what pronoun to use when addressing a sonny, I gotta say that back in the olden days, we ain't never got people like you.

"Wow, global warming is proven to be real! Politicians: Surprised Pikachu."

Machiavelli 2.0 (Head manager, co-spokesperson, co-writer):

An overemotional memelord. Sometimes it's not a good combination. Sometimes it is. A lazy youth that gets sidetracked easily. Can be described as an anxiety cucumber. Will be very emotional when debating, so I'm sorry if I cry. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if all humans were to go extinct.

"Is this supposed to be our responsibility? Well yes, but actually no."

So, that's us. You might see a couple of kids on a fruitless endeavor to save the world from issues only "adults" can solve. You might see a couple of foolish students spending their free time on the battlefields of the internet rather than being normal children, hanging out with their friends at the mall or spending that extra hour catching up on missed sleep. You might see a couple of kids trying to fight a battle they won't win. 

We've heard it all before, and we say, you can bring it. The world will never be the same. The same childhood you had, whether you're older or younger, will never be the same as ours. It's been made clear that the adults who were "supposed to take care of this" aren't doing anything that's working. We're sick of being fed the poison of silence and lies. Our voices need to be heard, and if we follow what we're told- to shut up and look proper, will never make us good leaders.

Doing the same as previous generations (passing off debt to others and ignoring real problems) are never going to get us anywhere. We need to make a statement, here and now.


Raileo, Sonny Appleseed, and Machiavelli 2.0

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