17. they aren't us

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"You're doing it wrong!" Winona giggled, taking the paint roller out of David's hand before pressing it to the wall

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"You're doing it wrong!" Winona giggled, taking the paint roller out of David's hand before pressing it to the wall. "See, like this," she demonstrated, brushing the light grey paint on the wall. 

As soon as her focus turned back to the task in front of her, David made sure she didn't see him dip his finger into the paint and hold it behind his back. "Hey, babe," 

"What?" she asked. Once she was turned back and facing him, he swiped his paint-covered finger across the tip of her nose. Breaking out in a fit of laughter, he saw the way her eyes crossed as she looked down at her nose with her jaw dropped. "David!" 

"You got a little somethin' on your face," he managed to say as he doubled over laughing. 

Thinking quickly, she ran the paint roller across her palm and pushed it into his chest. He returned the same exasperated expression as soon as she started laughing harder than him. She brushed the rest of the wet paint on her hand down the side of the paint-covered overalls she had thrown on. "Sorry, my hand slipped." 

"This was a good shirt!" he cried out, looking down at the perfect handprint on his chest. 

"I told you not to wear any good clothes! That's what you get for painting my face!" she giggled, wiping her clean palm against her nose, smearing the paint across her cheek. 

"Why isn't Katie helping with this?" he smirked, grabbing another paint roller and returning to the job. "If I have to be covered in paint, so should she." 

"No," Winona replied, drawing out the word as she shook her head and smiled. "Nope, inhaling paint fumes is bad for her. Plus, it's hotter than Hades outside and we haven't put the air conditioning in here yet. The last thing we need is for her to have a heat stroke." she said, rolling another line of grey paint against the nursery wall. 

"She's downstairs maxing out my credit card on the rest of the nursery furniture she needs," he added, hearing a soft snort come from her. "I'm not mad about it though. Actually kinda excited. It's starting to feel real." 

Through the corner of his eye, he saw her shoot him a loving gaze with her bottom lip puffed out. "I know. It's crazy, isn't it? Few more weeks and we're gonna have a grandbaby. Even just saying it out loud feels kinda weird. Good, but weird." 

"I'm not old enough to be a grandparent yet," he groaned, rolling his eyes as she laughed at him. 

"You know, the weirdest thing happened the other day." she changed the subject, concentrating on running the paint roller against the wall. "We ran into Connor at the grocery store. I don't think I've seen her that content since she's been home. It was so strange, she was as calm as I'd ever seen her." 

"You didn't tell me you saw that Connor kid," David frowned, setting down the paint roller in the tray. "Don't tell me he's making moves on Katie again. She told us it wasn't his baby. "

Pieces of the Present - [Danona] Book Two ✓Where stories live. Discover now