06. token of support

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Eleven weeks

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Eleven weeks. Another week went by, another fruit was labeled as the size of the baby. Eleven weeks, the size of a lime. Winona wasn't sure why she was so fascinated with the size measures; something about it felt so humanizing. Ironic, as it was literally the growth of a human and somehow fruit made it more humane.

But, the eleventh-week mark wasn't just eleven weeks. It also meant that it was December 23rd, and she was suddenly reminded about the massive lack of presents she had forgotten to buy. She had gotten a few things here and there, but it still felt as if some things were missing. 

That had prompted her trip to the mall with David. Katie had invited one of her friends over for the first time since she had gotten home. Casey, that was her name. She had mentioned her a few times, but given that Katie had been practically catatonic since she had returned, her parents saw it as a great opportunity to have some alone time with someone who would hopefully raise her spirits a little.  

The mall was packed full, of course. Everyone trying to get their last-minute shopping in before Christmas day. Cheerful holiday music was played over the loudspeakers while the entire building smelled like Bath & Body Works' Christmas scent collection. She had to admit, it was sort of wonderful to feel an atmosphere of cheer given that their home atmosphere hadn't been as lucky. 

"Are you sure you're okay celebrating Christmas?" David asked with a chuckle, pressing his palm to the small of her back as they walked. 

"Yes!" she laughed. "I already told you eight hundred times that I am totally fine celebrating Christmas. I barely ever celebrated Hanukkah as it was. Trust me, I think I kinda prefer the holiday being one-and-done rather than over the span of several days. I like the winter, I'm just not that big on holidays in general." 

"How about I celebrate Passover with you next year? There, we can split holidays like parents of divorced children." 

She clutched onto him as she belted out another laugh. "Sure. So you can eat your weight in matzah? You tried it once and now you won't shut up about it," she giggled. They continued to walk through the crowded walkways through the mall, gushing over cute items in the windows of the stores.

Suddenly, she stopped. Her feet, refusing to move, left her planted in front of a specific store sign. 'Baby Gap,' read the blue and white LED sign above the door. She took a deep breath, glancing through the store without stepping a foot inside. 

"Do you think this is a good idea?" he asked cautiously, but she barely heard him. She saw the people strolling through the store, some of them holding babies and others still pregnant. Each and every one of them had a smile on their face, gasping and cooing over the tiny little Christmas themed clothes. 

"I mean... what if I just get her one thing? Just a sort of token as my support... is that so bad?" she winced, breathing in a shaky inhale as she looked up at him. 

Pieces of the Present - [Danona] Book Two ✓Where stories live. Discover now