21. epilogue - happily ever after

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Ten Months Later

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Ten Months Later

Her heavy breath echoed in her ears, speeding up like a bull ready to charge. Her heart pounded alongside her lungs, her eyes closing and her knuckles gripping the edge of the mattress. 


She focused on the feeling of the soles of her feet against the carpet, staying seated perched on the side of the bed. Her eyes flickered open, concentrating on the door in front of her; centering herself.


Her molars ground down on themselves, bracing her for the battle ahead. 'Just breathe', she reminded herself.  She forced her eyes closed again, focusing on slowing her breath. She'd need to save the capacity of her lungs for the strength it would take. Getting winded was not an option. 


Her knuckles begun to turn white from the grip. Eyes forward, feet on the ground, even breathing. That's it, feel the fibers of the carpet against your skin. This isn't your first rodeo. She was going to break a record, but she had to remind herself just how she had gotten here.


Remember what they taught you. Point your toes, focus. C'mon, you can do it. The mantra continued every day, but today would be different. Today had to be different because it was going to be a beautiful day. And what better than a beautiful day to break a record. Just a few more seconds with her grip on the edge, her eyes opened again to set the target. 


With a heavy grunt, Katie bore as much weight onto her knees and feet as she could, trying not to rely on her hands to lift herself. Her arms instantly straightened out, balancing her body without holding onto anything for support. For a single moment, she experienced the rush and exhilaration of the feeling of floating. 

305 days since the accident. 

250 days since she stood with the support of three people holding her up.

Pieces of the Present - [Danona] Book Two ✓Where stories live. Discover now