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The day before facing the terrifying aspect of her anatomy scan, a fight had broken out

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The day before facing the terrifying aspect of her anatomy scan, a fight had broken out. A screaming match of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and grievances that had been weighing them down for quite some time. Going head to head, a full-blown war had broken out between David and his daughter. 

Something deep inside of him had changed, like a switch had been flicked. He tried to be understanding, to realize that this would take a lot of thought and careful planning. But she was inching towards twenty-three weeks and she still had no solid answer on what her plans were. Every time they asked she said she didn't want to talk about it or she didn't know. Quite frankly, he was growing tired of the procrastination. 

Even more so, he was tired of the toll this was taking on them. All of them. The constant flip flop between her choices, nobody quite sure of what to expect at any moment. She truly had no clue as to how exhausting it had been for all of them. 

If she wasn't going to go through with the adoption process, they needed to start planning now. They'd need to prepare a nursery and buy clothes and get set up with a pediatrician. If she was planning on going through with the process, she'd need to start meeting prospective parents and making a plan and sticking to it. Instead, she was lingering in limbo. Completely stuck between two choices. 

And once he had enough of the avoidance of the conversation they needed to have, World War III broke out. What could he say, their gene pool wasn't always the best at expressing their feelings. 

As much as he didn't want to mention it to Katie, he saw how the swinging back and forth between decisions was affecting Winona. He knew Katie well enough to know that sometimes she forgot that it wasn't just the two of them anymore. That they were a family, all of them experiencing similar pain from the same situation. 

But it wasn't necessarily the thought of adoption that had been hurting Winona, it was the fact that she was in a constant state of anxiety because she had no clue what the hell she was supposed to expect. The anticipation was turning lethal for them, but Katie didn't see that. 

In her eyes, it was only her. It was her situation, her choice, her feelings. She just didn't realize that it wasn't 100% true. All of them were hurting. All of them were waiting. All of them were searching for the right answer. 

So when he had screamed at her 'It isn't just you!', the expression on her face became incredulous. In her mind, she was alone. No matter how close she was with them, a large portion of her felt incredibly alone. Maybe it was because, at the end of the day, everything that was about to happen was up to her. She had about eight million decisions she needed to make and it was so overwhelming, all she wanted to do was just run away. 

No matter what choice she made, he wanted to be supportive. What he couldn't support was the idea that all of this would go away if she just ignored it. She had taken initiative by calling the adoption counselor, but that was it. 

Pieces of the Present - [Danona] Book Two ✓Where stories live. Discover now