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Brett thinks Eddy is cute.

Granted, he doesn't have pretty curves or feminine features to frame his body or face, but it's the way he acts - when he pouts innocently at Brett when he wants to get his way, how he laughs when Brett swats at him because no, I'm not going to do the violin twerk at your wedding, Eddy but knows he absolutely would. How he pokes at Brett's cheek or arm when he wants to be a distracting little shit, but gets frowny when Brett doesn't react to his ministrations (Brett's plenty amused, if he's being honest). He likes the way Eddy makes a gross, disgusted face when he sees mushrooms on a dish they ordered. Or how he screams bloody murder when a cockroach skitters across the floor. Or the way he dances to some pop song Brett can't name like he absolutely owns it, no shame whatsoever. One of Brett's absolute favourite is when they shoot each other a mutual look of 'we fucked up' when they butcher a piece during a recording, the way they cringe at their mess-ups and then burst out laughing over how terrible it sounds.

Even now, as they're recording for a video, Brett has trouble keeping a straight face with the way Eddy keeps trying to blow away strands of blond wig hair out of his face. It's stupidly cute.

"You look so dumb. Here, let me get it for you."

"Nah-ah! No touchy! This how you talk to bae, huhh? So rude!" Eddy's doing that obnoxious lower lip pout thing while crossing his arms, voice tweaked up a couple octaves. He whips his head away, only to get more blond hair whipped in his face, and Brett really can't help but laugh at this point. "First I see you talking with other girls - a pianist, even! And now you make fun of me? Who you think you are?" Eddy says, in between coughing out wig hair.

"You sound like a jealous girlfriend," Brett says jokingly, but then Eddy's scrunching his face like he ate two sour lemons, so he changes tactics. "Don't be mad, Edwina. You know I love you the most."

Eddy pitches his voice in a squeaky falsetto. "Hah! You think I'm easy girl? Nice try, playah! You ain't playin' me today!"

Brett shakes his head, ready to commit to the bit. "What can I do to make it up to you, babe?"

Eddy sits up and looks at Brett searchingly, before murmuring, "Say it again."

Brett tilts his head. "Say what again?"

"The L-word."

Brett blinks. "Ling Ling?"

Eddy makes a huffy noise. "The other L-word!"

"I...love you?" Brett tentatively says, earning a nod from Edd -no, Edwina. "I love you," Brett says, as genuine as he can muster.

Eddy seems satisfied by that, but there's a small wistful smile that Brett doesn't quite catch. "Okay! I guess you can get Debussy tonight!"

"Dude --" they both crack up at that, Eddy heaving and Brett bursting out in giggles, comfortable and familiar.


It's nice, this thing they have. Brett feels warm and happy whenever he's around Eddy and he wishes they can share moments like these forever.

...If only Brett didn't go and fuck everything up.

the rhythm our heart plays {breddy; twosetviolin fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now