.Warm Welcome.

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"Welcome to Dunstane Mr... Way? Yes, your brother Michael Way was the one who signed the papers for you to be admitted to us and you shall stay here until you are deemed insane or not. I believe you understand what you done to be here?" I stare at the aged woman through half lidded eyes, still not too sure who she was and what room this was. I go to raise my hand to rub my eyes but I was stopped, restraints around my wrists to stop me from getting out of this place.

"Mr. Way, do you understand what you done? Do you understand why you're here?" My attention snaps back to her, staring her down silently and growl before I began to search around the room with my eyes, trying to figure out exactly where I was and what I was doing here, "Mr. Way..." She starts off slowly, approaching me and coming to a stop beside my bed with a innocent smile as she watches upon me in my futile attempt of flinging myself away from her, "Do you even know where you are?"

I ground my teeth into my bottom lip as I stare right back into her eyes in a competition, unblinkingly. I didn't know who she was, I didn't know where I was and honestly I barely even knew who I was and where I came from, "I take that as a no." She speaks gently, still staring down at me laying on the bed limply with that stupid smile on her face. She breaks our stare-off to walk back to the end of the bed, "Well Mr. Way, you are in Dunstane Asylum for the Criminally Insane. Your younger brother had signed your custody over to us when he was told what you had done."

I growl again, yanking against my restraints as I sit up as best I could but she ignores my attempts of getting free once more and begins putting folded up clothing at the foot of my bed, "You're having a two month trial here. You're going to be kept under close eye and assessed by a psychiatric doctor who will come in. At the end of those two months that doctor will give his or her verdict on whether or not you are mentally stable or not to plea for innocence and to have a fair trial."

"I never see the point in those therapists." She continues with a airiness to her voice as if I wasn't a new patient here in this asylum against my will and we were actually friends with each other. I stare at the woman working away and humming to herself. Only now did I realise that she was a nun, wearing the normal black clothing a nun would wear, a white veil covering most of her hair, a blonde fringe showing, she also wears a crucifix worn around her neck to keep her faith on show wherever it is that she walks.

"What if I'm not declared mentally unstable enough to not face the sentencing?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. The nun pauses, her hands midair as she was about to smooth out creases in the fabrics she had been placing at the bottom of the bed. She looks up at me with a smug smile, continuing to smooth out the creases, "Then you'll be put on trial and be sentenced to an execution. You wanna hope you're mentally unstable if you don't want to die, kid."

The nun smiles with a big, happy breath out loud before coming over to me and begins to unbuckle the restraints around my wrists, "Now Gerard Way, if you even believe you can get out of here, give up now. I shall free you and give you an all-inclusive tour of your new place you shall be living in for the next eight weeks." She pauses in her never-ending speech to smirk and move onto my ankle, "Maybe even the rest of your life if you happen to be mentally unstable."

She seems to be proud if her little bit of fun she was having by herself as she continues to keep grinning to herself about her oh so funny joke but also let's the room fall into a silence as she finished untying me, "Before I show you around the place, you shall get changed into clean clothes. Can't have you making a bad impression on your new friends, can we?" I look down at my clothing, coming close to heaving when I notice puke stains and small splatters of blood as well as dirt stains smeared into the white fabric.

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