.Daytime Room.

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Before I even knew it, I had the guy by the scruff, slammed up against the wall and inches away from my face. I stare at his face for a moment before slamming his back into the wall once more, "Where have I seen you before? Who are you?" The fear in the man seems to fill me up with pride as I continue staring, watching how he let his eyes dart around my face to see if he could tell what I was going to do to him if he didn't give me a good enough answer.

I knew it wasn't exactly right to manhandle someone in an asylum that reminded me of someone else on the outside, but I was doing it anyway, so there wasn't a way for me to go back on it now. To remove my hands from the guy and hold them up in surrender wasn't something I was going to do, "You- you don't remember me? How can you not?" I watched the guy cowering away from me as I considered it, thinking of all the places he could be from but I didn't come up with anything, not coming up with any other solutions.

I think shrug in response, letting go of him, "Quite frankly, my love, I couldn't give a shit. But if I catch you staring at me once more, I will begin to care a lot." Within seconds of nodding and scampering away from me, Frank was onto me, a wide smile spread across his lips as he appears in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist to pull me in closer to him. I knew of the risk of us being this close was, yet I still wrap my arms around his neck to keep him close to me. I was becoming rather fond for the little idiot, despite me telling him I wanted nothing to do with him, I guess it was something for me to get distracted by within my two months in here, maybe he was my way of getting through the whole experience of Hell.

"You're kinda hot when you're angry. I mean, besides the whole 'almost cried out of fright when you came close to punching the guy.' Yeah, you're really hot." I laugh a little at him and roll my eyes, Frank soon laughing along with me. Yeah, Frank's dumb behaviour certainly was going to be the reason I survived in here, whether I'm leaving at the end of the two months or not, I've got Frank and I guess I could be completely satisfied with having the younger boy to keep me completely sane whilst I'm here.

"You say I frighten you? You murdered a group of kids, a group of men and crucified a guy in a chapel in an asylum. I think you're a lot more frightening than I ever will be, Frankie." Frank giggles edgily, biting down on his bottom lip as he blinked his eyes rapidly in his way of trying to look adorable. I lean in with a smile, pushing his back against the wall, "Right Frankie? That is all that you done, right?" Frank looks to the side for a few seconds before back at me with a wide grin. He shrugs at me before pushing himself off of the wall and into my body, most probably doing it on purpose, "Hey, I was killing before killing was cool. I'm not certain who I've killed and how many I have actually killed. Go... Check my file or something, I don't know."

"I don't thi-"

"Shush! That just reminded me of something I forgot to ask: your file? Yeah, I read through it and it paints you out as a psychopathic asshole, and you still have no idea what you had supposedly done to get in here, do you?" Frank asks, his eyes growing cautious on the subject all of a sudden, as if I was going to string him up just for mentioning my existence in an asylum. I shook my head slowly, wondering what it was that he had seen for him to become so guarded around me around me within a mere thirty seconds.

"Well, uh... I guess you should ask Michael to show you." Frank rolled his lips into his mouth and raised his eyebrows at me as he tilts his head to the side, "I'm assuming you fellas aren't allowed to be around here?" The voice startled us both as we separated ourselves from each other, me sliding to the opposite wall whilst Frank shuffled away from the spot we were standing on. We look up at the guy that spoke out and interrupted us, seeing a tall guy with a mop of blond hair that almost covered his eyebrows, a smile on his face that exposed dimples.

Neither of us spoke, we both just stared right at him. Frank and I's didn't seem to get rid of the guy seen as he was still standing there, rocking back and forth on his feet, swinging his arms and not breaking eye contact with Frank, "Oh, my name's Kit, nice to meet you guys. I just wanted to ask which way it was to daytime room? I'm new around here y'see, so I'm not exactly sure where I am right about now and you look friendly and... Present enough to help me get there."

Frank and I share a glance between us, both of us confused at such behaviour that this Kit guy was showing, not exactly understanding what he meant by 'present' but we both walk towards him, Frank looking like he was intrigued with this new guess of the house we had so he approached Kit quicker, sticking his hand out for the boy to take it which he did, a huge grin on his face, "Hey, I'm Frank! Welcome to this fuckery of a lifestyle that you will never actually escape, I hope your enjoy this time you spent here."

Frank didn't even wait for me to introduce myself to the newest kid of this asylum before Frank began leading Kit towards the daytime room, not seeming to worry about me if I did happen to follow behind him or not, somewhat more interested in Kit.

Aight I think we've established that I'm not good at updating and this is indeed another filler chapter and I'm in love with Evan Peters and that I make a lot of spelling mistakes. The next update may take even longer because I'm sick as fuck I'm sorry I love you marry me

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