ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8 ~ ꜱᴛᴜᴅʏɪɴɢ

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Heyo everyone! I'm back! Fiji was great thanks for asking! hope your all having a wonderful day.

Please enjoy this chapter!

Thanks for 190 read 😱


Eddie impulsively packed away his things as the bell of math went, relishing him from Richie's glare.

"Kaspbrak, Toizer." Mr Holoway nodded towards the two boys.

"Fuck me." Eddie muttered, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Well I would, but you keep denying." Richie murmured as he marched to Mr Holoway's desk.

Eddie's breath hitched in his throat and he clumsily pulled out his aspirator, earning a laugh from Richie.

This has been the longest time that they hadn't talked.

The last time was when Eddie was pissed about the fact that Richie had tried to snap his broken arm back into the right position.

But that had been different.

Richie spent all the time trying to apologise and make it up to Eddie.

This time they've just ignored each other, and the other losers can tell.

Eddie huffed his way to the front of the classroom, pushing Richie pathetically.

"Now boys, I just wanted to know how the studying was going?" He smiled, a hopeful glimmer in his eye.

Eddie swallowed the lump in his throat and grimaced.

"Uh well... um... uh yeah... it's-"

"It's going great Sir, Eddie here is a great teacher."

Eddie's heart broke a little as he called him 'Eddie' rather than 'Eds'.

"Well that's great! I would love for you to study more, so keep up the great work!"

Richie pursed his lips together and nodded.

"Absolutely Mr Holoway." Eddie sighed.

They left the classroom, the uncomfortable silence like a weight on their shoulder.

"Um, just meet me at my house and we can study, okay?" Eddie frowned, closing his eyes.

"Sure Eddie."

And with that, they walked off their separate ways.


Eddie tapped his foot, feeling impatient, confused and sad.

He sighed.

Richie is always late.

Eddie smiled to himself.

And then as if summoned, Richie came rounding the corner.

A grave look occupied his face and Eddie winced, somehow feeling responsible for making Richie look so sad.

Richie looked up and saw Eddie standing there, he beckoned him to his parked car.

Eddie jogged over and got in his old Toyota ute.

They drove in silence, no radio, no talking, just the sound of the ancient engine.


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