Faithless Lover

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Euronymous sat on the porch drinking and smoking a cigarette, looking into the trackless woods with a scowl. Everyone else was inside the house having a small get together to celebrate there long needed break. Everyone but Euronymous wasn't satisfied due to that fact his lead singer was gone and not crawling back as usual. He had kicked Pelle out of the house, packing whatever he could and flung his bag outside. He could still recall the unpleasant things he said to Pelle to provoke a response. He smiled mockingly, not considering an ounce of guilt as he knew that Pelle would be cutting himself or worse. Varg vanished too; he never said where he was going and just left the house last night. He probably went to go find Pelle and convince him to come back after Euronymous made threats of kicking him out. He would be sure to let Pelle know it was his fault that crazy bitch mutilated a cat.

The dark haired man looked back, still seeing the blood stains that were left behind. The cops didn't take it seriously and blamed the band for being too reckless. Even after everything that happened last night, the party was going strong, but Euronymous was restless. He didn't care if Pelle died, he was mostly concerned about finishing the album and tour dates. There was barley any money coming from the records shop and the money they did make during Germany, was wasting away. He had to rely on home cooked meals again and investing his own cash on food for himself. He gritted his teeth, all the while continuing to smoke and down his last beer.

The trash next to him started accumulating, but he wasn't going to be concerned about it. He was sure Jorn would deal with it all in the morning since he was always picking up after the band. He let the smoke carefully seep out from his mouth like a hot bristled machine. He couldn't conceal the fact anymore that he was furious and smashed the bottle on the porch. No one would be able to hear it due to the loud music and howling of guests. The violence he kept inside for so long was there for so long until he met Pelle. He was delighted that someone was more than willing to die for the sake of black metal. In fact, he encouraged him to do it for the fans, the band and the future that was to come. However, these past few months have been unpredictable, and Pelle was starting to get better if not healthy. He took noticed of his slight changed behavior, he was never in his room the much and he even managed to eat an ample meal without vomiting.

Euronymous put the cigarette out, licking his front teeth before spitting at the ground with venom. His eyes narrowed deeper into the forest area as he tried to image a half frozen Pelle shivering to death. His lips are a shade of blue, his hair frozen and his lips distorted and his eyes closed with frost. The male chuckled to himself, taking in the pleasant image as Pelle would make a fatal attempt to end his life. Euronymous knew that Pelle was not a patient man and would have slit his own throat. He knew he would want the suffering to end swiftly and never bother to call out for help. Yes, that's how it should be, Pelle should be dead and he would continue living taking the credit. Things, however, are not going to plan and he knows the cause of it all.

It's all because of the hardened women he's been clingying to.

Pelle should have killed himself or died in the hospital, but that woman gave him the hope. It's that goddamn raven haired honey that just suddenly showed up to save Pelle's sorry ass. It didn't help that he discovered the women to be attractive and just his type, with the way she carried herself and how she looked. For all one knows, it was those eyes of hers that had bewitched him the first time he had noticed her. She was taking pictures, naïve to the fact that they were about to do something gruesome. She didn't flinch and instead there the head back on the stage and continued taking photos. Varg had mentioned her multiple times, about how she was a controversial journalist and that she had preserved Pelle's life her first night in Norway. He had pretended to be uninterested and wrote her off as some poser groupie to the rest of the band members. He wanted to meet her of course, more so to aggressively confront her and tell her to mind her business. When she had interviewed him, she rejected his advanced multiple times to the point he became frustrated. In a way, he felt almost insulted that she would have the nerve to tell him no and take advantage. He never spoke with him again; she was only interested in Pelle of all people.

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