Let me take away your doubt.

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Arthricia instantly froze in place.

Her fingertips just barely touching the doorknob of her bedroom door as her eye wanders to her bed. She had felt the moment she dropped Jorn off at his place that something didn't feel right. Arthricia was careful not to drive quickly home to see if her suspicions were correct. She saw footprints that didn't belong to her or Jorn and made sure she made the comparison. She knew Jorn didn't have dainty feet and was always wearing large boots that would both crush hers and this footprint. Arthricia walked between her living room and kitchen to see if anything had been moved or taken, but everything was in the proper place.

Arthricia knew her bedroom would be the first place to look, but she was dreading what she was about to discover. She shouldn't have been surprised Astrid would find such a valuable item in her closet. The fact Astrid carefully took her sweet time to carefully organize everything in the box neatly on Arthricia's bed was impressive. She even managed to color code the unopened envelopes in a neat and orderly stack right next to the gleaming tower of sentimental pictures.

Arthricia let out a chuckle, observing how her father's belonging was placed on her bed. The t-shirts were still folded into squares and placed in a line at the edge, as was the jewelry. In her bed's center was the diary her father continuously wrote in since he encountered Arthricia's mother. Something about the pocket notebook seemed out of place. Perhaps it was the bright pink sticky note that seemed threatening. Arthricia snatched it, seeing a black smiley face with the words " I see the real you."

" Your move, I guess, Astrid." Arthricia shook her head. " You're only pissing me off."

Arthricia grabbed for the box, carefully placing everything back into its rightful spot. She could be sure to find a better hiding place for her father's belongs, but right now, she wasn't going to let it faze her. Nothing was damaged or stolen, just placed neatly on her bed as a way to torment Arthricia.

Spoilers, it didn't work.


Euronymous had spent more time in the shower than he did in his room.

The buck of his hips caused his legs to buckle forward and let the animalistic pants rush past his lips. Euronymous's entire fantasy world was nothing but work, Pelle, and his constant fear of becoming a failure. He was expecting his surprise visit with Arthricia to go smoothly, but he said to himself that she needed more convincing. She was a stubborn woman and so much more that he loathed everything about her.

Euronymous grunted, feeling himself getting hard at the thought of dominating her. His mind started going to a dark place as he continued to carry on with the fantasy. The male rested his head against the tile, letting out a frustrated moan as he focused on that woman. He imaged himself ravishing her porcelain skin with his teeth, ripping her clothing off her perfectly curved body. His stroking was getting harsh, his pants getting heavy as she tried his best to keep Arthricia's name out of his mouth. He could feel her silk-like fingers tips tangling themselves into his hair. Her delicate tinted lips would ever so often whisper things to him she wanted him to do with her. Euronymous would give in to those demands, worshipping every word that left her lips.

" F-fuck"

The near scolding water sent a simulation wave of spasming pain as he was stroking harshly. He let Arthricia's name slip out of his mouth but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. A brief flash of her face went into his mind again, imaging her petite frame wrapped in crimson sheets. His legs violently buck, getting closer as he tried letting out a quiet moan before releasing himself all over his hand. His heart rate was skyrocketing as he saw a burst of colors overwhelming his vision. His animalistic panting was going to a whisper as the water collided with his skin.

This feeling needed to stop.


Pelle had been staring at the same stained designs on his ceiling for hours.

He hadn't realized Jorn had left the house and only noticed when Jorn placed the box of food on his battered desk. Pelle didn't say much to Jorn when he left the room after he mentioned Arthricia, which vexed his heart. Pelle wasn't sure how long it had been since they last saw each other. He could only recall practice and the depressing state that kept him in bed all day long. Jorn and Varg would stop by once in a while to make sure he was alive and eating something. Varg had scarcely surprised Pelle with a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup yesterday. He devoured it, but it couldn't compare to the meal Arthricia prepared him a week before.

Deep down, he had desperately wished Astrid had just killed him when she had the chance.

Pelle sighed, the same debating thoughts going in and out of his head for several hours. He knew he needed to go to a therapist, but it was futile if nothing would help him recover. Pelle had been down that road many times, and there was little to no success, and he decided to accept his default. Arthricia didn't deserve his baggage and saw that being in a relationship would be impossible. He didn't want to put her in a position where it caused her agony let alone make her worry.

How many times did she have to encourage me?

How many times has she recognized the real me?

Pelle would do anything for Arthricia, Even if it meant keeping his distance until everything calmed down. He felt like crying from the thought of being unable to feel her touch, her scent, or hear her warm silk voice. Pelle never had issues cutting people or even dissociating himself from a conversation. It should have been no different when he distances himself from everyone else. No matter how much Pelle pushed away from people, they came back to him, Jorn being an example. Pelle sighed wistfully, shutting his eyes as if he was pretending this was all but a lucid dream. The familiar ache in his chest constantly nudged him that Arthricia wasn't going to abandon him for a while.

He was in love with her.


Three people with different problems.

Two months, I am so sorry, guys.

I might have to move again since my, and my brother's living situation is being threatened.

I'll be doing another update soon after this, but I'm also in the middle of buying a house. 

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