Shall I see her into the beautiful?

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Two days later

Conversation between the two was tense, and she wasn't expecting Euronymous to show up at her door. He just showed up out of nowhere as she was doing her morning routine, expecting it to be Pelle or Varg. It turns out he threatened Varg's career if he didn't tell him where I was staying. I wasn't upset with Varg considering it wasn't his fault, and he had warned Arthricia before the interviews. Arthricia was wary of Euronymous from the beginning, but she didn't think he would get worse. For the most part, the dark-haired man was mild and smiling at her. She didn't want to invite him in but figured it had something to do with Pelle.

" If this is about Astrid, I don't care." Arthricia scoffed. " The police should be handling that mess."

Not that they were going to do anything about Astrid, she was sick of hearing about it. Despite the appearance, she knew this wasn't something that just happened overnight.

" It's about Pelle." His smile seemed to fade instantly. " Leave him alone. We need him."

Of course, it was.

" Pelle is an adult and can make his own decisions." Arthricia glared. " Besides, it not your concern, and you should maybe stay focused on Astrid."

She heard the dark-haired male scoff adding a light chuckle at the end. It was anything but light to her since his eyes would gaze at her whenever she had her back turned. Arthricia was already well aware of his intention from last time, thinking he wouldn't be so stupid to pull that move on her again. It wouldn't be the first time she had been attacked by an aggressive male that thought he was superior to her. It would be easy to put Euronymous in his place if it was to ever come to that.

" Maybe you can make this into a big story." Euronymous laughed. " After all, that's what you do. A vulture for drama and mayhem."

" Don't get it twisted. My work is strictly professional," Arthricia snapped back. " Those trashed mouthed morons couldn't handle half the shit I've written about, let alone experienced."

Arthrica, for the first time, laughed at the guitarist, primarily out of spite and to annoy him. She saw him as nothing more than a starved whore on the street trying to make a difference. She had to admit what he was doing, wanting something America had experienced. However, the goal and interviews started to sound the same once she realized the dream was the same. Kurt wanted it; Euronymous wanted it, and even she liked it.

" It's obvious the main attraction is Pelle, and from what I'm told, he's worth more."

Naturally, Euronymous took that as an insult and glared at the female who was smirking. Deep down, he knew she was right but would never admit that to her or anyone else. His goal was much more complicated than even he didn't get it sometimes, but it was his goal. He hated Pelle; everyone knew that and just saw it as some odd sibling rivalry they had for each other. No one would suspect his true intentions, but this woman in front of him was a threat. He could take advantage of the situation, maybe kiss her gently as he had planned, or perhaps killer her Euronymous has needs just like any man, even if they don't seem normal.

Arthricia could sense the wrong with Euronymous, but she wasn't going to let him know that.

" Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's going to last long," Euronymous smirked back at her. " You may not know it, but he's a psychopath with issues that even you can't ignore. It's only a matter of time before he fucks up and gets careless. "

Without another word, he got up and left the house without giving her a simple thank you for the coffee. Not that she was expecting him to say something pleasant, still what he said made her wonder. Perhaps it was just something he made up to get inside her head, but she had been deceived before. The true nature of Pelle was a mystery to her, and she had spent the majority of her time pondering it.

Arthricia made her way to the living room, picking up the phone and dialing away. She needed her cousin right now if he was willing to show up and talk to her. After everything Eric's done for her, surely he would be more than happy to see her. She would never admit she was stressed or even upset about Pelle not coming back for a while. The phone kept ringing for another minute before she decided to give up and try again later. Arthricia wasn't going to stay in the house all day and decided to leave for a bit and trying again since Eric was most likely at work. Usually, his wife would be hone, but she must have taken the kids out to their grandparents. Arthricia grabbed her coat, realizing it was warm out today but would keep it in her front seat just in case.

" Hey Arthricia, wait."

Arthricia stopped halfway inside her car, looking up to see a Jorn with his hands in his pocket. Arthricia sighed, knowing full well she would get the same song she's been hearing. IT was bad enough that the garden gnome showed up she expected him to show up and scream at her. The last person she would expect was Jorn since he seemed not to mind Pelle's recent infatuation. If anything, Jorn slightly encouraged it just as long Euronymous backed off.

" Oh god, you too?" Arthricia stepped out of the car, walking towards Jorn. " I already spoke to Euronymous. I don't need to hear it from you too."

" Euronymous was here?" He raised an eyebrow. " He told me he had to work in the shop."

" Yeah, he came over here about an hour ago and bitched me put Pelle." Arthricia went back to her car. " You wanna come with me?"

" Where are we going?" Jorn asked.

" In town, I need some coffee before I call my cousin."  

I've Long Forgot Exactly, Who I Am. (( HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now