20th of December (Night)

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As soon as she walked in door, she was greeted by a big bear hug. It was her father. He smelled of lemongrass, a calming scent. "Hello father!" She smiled happily, returning his bear hug. "We knew you'd miss him, Ellie." Her two older sisters chimed in, a grin forming on both their faces. "How has work been?" Elizabeth asked Bartra. "Work has been wonderful, Ellie. I even managed to get a raise!" The man smiled, but that smile faded a bit. "I'm sorry I have to leave you two alone with Margaret to take care of you. All because of my job." He mumbled, looking down at his feet. "It's no big deal, father. We're happy and glad that you're at least supporting us to your fullest." Margaret replied, giving Bartra a hug herself.

"Your mother.. I wished she was still around to make you all so happy while I was away. She just.. left all of a sudden, after all.." he sighed, and was handed a mug from Veronica. It had a nice herbal tea that was made by Margaret a couple minutes back. "Father, we're happy that you are supporting us all. Mother just, left, yes, but we're happy with you here in our lives."

"Thank you, girls.. it means the world to me." Bartra smiled, hugging his three daughters once again.


That night, Elizabeth had her best friend's birthday party on her mind, she couldn't help but think about how the events would play out. Drifting off to her phone screen, staring at Diane's messages about the party.


She awoke 20 minutes after. Elizabeth was happy about finally seeing her father after he left about a year and a half ago, she enjoyed it when he stopped by every time near Christmas, because she felt like the world itself gave her a little miracle. Even if she didn't receive any gifts from him, she felt like he was a gift enough, because he always told her nice stories about his time in far off places, and she was grateful he didn't get hurt along the way.

Though, she couldn't help but keep her father's words in her head..

'Your mother.. I wished she was still around to make you all so happy while I was away. She just.. left all of a sudden, after all..'

Those exact words, clung to her brain like glue. She wondered where exactly her mother went, probably some place far off to remarry some idiotic male. She ended up dozing off, but didn't realize that it was already going to be time to get ready for school.

Something more? (Highschool AU) (Elizabeth X Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now