23rd of December

763 17 5

Elizabeth groaned. Even getting changed out of her pjs and into a new pair of clothes was hard for her. Veronica knocked on her younger sister's door, asking if she needed help. "Yes, please..." Elizabeth mumbled, trying to slip on a button up shirt, but ultimately failing.

Tomorrow was Diane's party.

Sure, Elizabeth was excited for her friend's birthday party.. but she hadn't even informed her about her injury yet. But she decided that in the morning would be best instead of her friends finding out just as she entered school grounds.

'Hey, Diane. I fell in the tub while getting out of the shower and now I have to wear a cast on my arm.' She texted.

'WHAT?! Elizabeth! You should stay home today! I'll take any notes for you at school, too! So will Elaine!' Her worries friend hurriedly responded in a mere minute.

Elizabeth smiled at her phone, and informed Veronica. "Hey.. sis.. can I stay home today? Because of my arm and all.." she sighed, and told Veronica about Diane's worried text.

"That sounds like a good idea, Ellie.. so please, get some more rest, at least. I'll go and tell Margaret. Would you like help with your clothes again?" Veronica grinned, though it seemed like she was still a little worried.

The silver haired girl nodded,  frustrated look on her face. "Hey, Ellie. I get how you feel. Do you still want to go to Diane's party tomorrow?" Veronica asked, and Elizabeth's nodding sped up. "I've been waiting forever to go to it! A dumb cast wont hold me back!" She groaned, raising her arms in the air and then ultimately regretting it.

Veronica chuckled, giving her younger sister a gentle hug. "Want me and Margaret to make you something to eat? Though.. I'm not such a great cook like she is." Veronica rubbed the back of her head, grinning. Elizabeth smiled, heading downstairs right after Veronica did.

Margaret was frantically looking around for something. "Hey, sis. What are you looking for?" Elizabeth asked. "My car keys.. have you two seen them?!.." she sighed a little bit, running her hands through her lavender hair. "I haven't seen them.. why're you looking so panicked?" Veronica asked, patting Margaret's shoulder to get her to calm down a little bit more.

"You can borrow my car if you really want." Veronica added, handing Margaret her own set of car keys. "Thank you.. the reason I needed them is because I have an important meeting for Dad's company — I was hired there, that's why.." she said, hugging Veronica real tight. "She's fully loaded up, too. You better make it, sis!" Veronica called out to Margaret, who headed straight out of the door.


Elizabeth made her way to the kitchen, having a bit of trouble grabbing things like plates, cups, a pan, and even pancake mix — but she eventually got them all set. "Hey, Veronica. I'm going to make pancakes. Any suggestions?" She asked, turning towards her older sister. "Yeah. Do we have any blueberries, Ellie?" Veronica asked, chilling at the dinner table with a cup of hot coffee.

"Mm... let's see.. yeah! We do! Anything else other than blueberries?" She smiled happily, pulling out the container. "It's alright, Ellie. I know you like blueberries as well anyways. Do you need any help?" Veronica asked, staring right at her sister's face, Elizabeth was nervously grinning.

"Yeah.. maybe?" She rubbed the back of her head, bringing the blueberry container over to the rest of the stuff by the stove.

"Alright. I'll do whatever you ask, though.. I may not be that good at it." She sighed, walking over to the stove. Elizabeth started to mix the ingredients together, adding in a couple blueberries here and there, stirring carefully.

"The batter is done, sis." Elizabeth smiled a little shyly. "I made it how the box said to." She looked over at the batter and handled it carefully, pouring it into the buttered pan she had prepared on the stove.

"That's.. a big pancake, Ellie. Can you eat it?" Veronica gasped, staring wide at the pan. "Oh! Erm..." Elizabeth mumbled, turning her attention to the pan, as it was already full of the pancake mix.

"Oh! God! What do I do??..." Elizabeth gasped, pulling the batter away as the pancake cooked, because of that pancake.. they nearly used the whole bit of batter they had left.

"Erm... Ellie. Let's just split that pancake! And then we'll make really small ones to go with it." Veronica said, chuckling at her little sister's clumsiness. "Alright.." she whispered, embarrassed.


The pancakes were done cooking, as Elizabeth ended up using the whole thing of batter they prepared. "Hey, Ellie. You're probably a better cook than even Margaret!" Veronica scarfed down her pancakes, they decided to eat the smaller ones and then have the real big one.

"Is it just me.. or are you full, sis?" Elizabeth groaned, already finished all of her smaller pancakes. "Yeah.... but.." Veronica chimed in.

"We still have this really big pancake to deal with.." the two said in unison.


As Margaret stepped in the door, she was relieved the meeting didn't take THAT long, she brushed off her shoes because snow was packed right onto them. She set Veronica's car keys on the coffee table in the living room, where her little sister usually kept them.

"Oh.. those two are out like a light. Such a rare sight to see, really." Margaret smiles as her two little sisters were sound asleep at the dinner table, she then noticed a big plate right in front of them, it was a blueberry pancake.

The pancake fit the plate's exact size.

"What did they get themselves into?" She questioned, and then noticed a note on it.

"What? — 'To Margaret, I hope you aren't very stressed right now! Ellie accidentally spaced out while making pancakes for us.. and I'm sure you would of guessed by now what happened. We made smaller pancakes but we got so full just from them, Ellie's a good cook. So we saved you this pancake because we were sure you'd finish it instead.' — jeez, girls..." Margaret read, laughing a little. "Sure.. I'll eat it." She said, sighing.

"But I don't even like blueberry pancakes." She added.


I'm literally dying. I enjoyed writing this chapter in science class. I wish I had blueberry pancakes now.


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