22nd of December

881 27 19

Elizabeth woke up on the floor, though, she had a bit of a tummy ache thanks to the fast food from last night. She messaged Elaine.

'Hey, Elaine. Does your tummy hurt too?'

She got a reply.

'No. Maybe it's because you haven't had fast food in a while.'

Elizabeth sighed, and took a sip of water from the bottle at her nightstand. She took a deep breath and brushed her teeth, pulling her hair into a low ponytail. She got a simple black skirt on, a pink frilly blouse, and a pair of black leggings. She ate some toast with jam before heading out the door, hyped up for Diane's party in two days.

She felt a little exhausted walking to school, because of the tummy ache. "Good morning, Diane, Elaine.." she groaned, holding her tummy a bit while slouching. "Good morning Ellie!" The two said in unison, and then worry crossed their faces. "Was it the fast food? Maybe it made you gassy." Elaine commented, a little chuckle escaping her lips.

"Yeah yeah.. it might of been, actually.. ugh.. should I just go and lay down in the nurse's office?" Elizabeth added, resisting the urge to clench her stomach a little more. "That sounds like a good idea. Want me to walk you, Ellie?" Diane said and put her hand on Elizabeth's shoulder in a comforting way. "Yes please.. Can you tell Mrs. Morrison about this, Elaine?" Elizabeth stared at her shorter friend. "Of course, Ellie!" She chimed, patting Elizabeth's head.


Elaine had mentioned to their science teacher that Elizabeth wasn't feeling well. Meanwhile, Elizabeth kept her face buried in a white pillow, thinking about every single event that went on recently. 'That blonde guy still makes me confused.. maybe he IS one of her friends?' She thought, kicking her feet around under the blankets she had sprawled across her body.

Elizabeth felt bad for not going to class, but it felt oddly good to not have to sit through another one of Mrs. Morrisons' lectures about the earth being round or flat. She closed her eyes and ended up going to bed, she woke up as soon as the bell rang for second period.

Hospitality class was one of Elizabeth's favourite classes — besides science and math respectively. She especially enjoyed it because she had it with her best friend, Diane. She got up out of the bed and told the nurse about how she was feeling better, so she was let out earlier than she thought she'd be. So she made her way to the ground floor, excited to see Diane dressed up in a apron again, she didn't know exactly why, but she thought the taller girl looked rather cute in an apron, even though she was... creative with the ways she baked.


As Elizabeth entered the classroom, Diane called out to her, smiling happily. "Hey, Elizabeth!" The taller girl had a mess of flour and egg on her apron already, though the bell didn't even ring to start. 'Oh goodness Diane..' Elizabeth thought, a grin replacing the otherwise bored expression she had on her lips.

"Diane, go and get a new apron!" The teacher noticed and called out to the taller girl, a sigh escaped his mouth. "Jesus Diane.. you need to learn how to properly make things! Well.. whatever you make, it TASTES good.... buuuut it doesn't look appetizing.." Elizabeth chuckled. "Hahah! I guess, huh? I'm similar to Meliodas.. but actually quite the opposite!" She smiled, jumping up and down.

"Meliodas?" Elizabeth questioned. "Yeah! Yeah! He's going to my birthday party on the 24th, as well! You might get to meet him!" Diane chimed. "Huh. I'd like to meet him sometime, actually. He sounds... eccentric." Elizabeth laughed, thinking about how someone's food could look tasty yet taste bad.


After school ended, all Elizabeth could think of what Meliodas' looked like, what he enjoyed, and how exactly he could make appetizing food that tastes like shit, though, she wouldn't mind at least having a BITE of his food. Hey, you have to give everything a try.

Elizabeth made her way home, ate a snack before heading upstairs to work on her assignments. "Her party's in a couple of days... I wonder who she's dating. Maybe Meliodas..? I mean, once she said her boyfriend is short — so I'm sure it isn't Meliodas. Because Meliodas wouldn't really seem THAT short... ugh.. I'm just talking to myself now." She argues with herself, gritting her teeth.

"I wonder how the day's gonna play out." She thought, heading into the bathroom for a quick shower. All her sisters heard from upstairs was a 'THUD!' And they ran up the stairs as fast as they could to go see what had happened.

Elizabeth was right on the floor, her body was half over the tub's side, a big swelled up bruise had started to form on her arm. "Owww.." the silver haired girl rubbed her arm before attempting to use it by pushing her body up, wincing in pain. "Ellie, are you okay?!" Her older sisters yelled, rushing to her side. "Yeah.. I just slipped coming out of the tub.." she groaned, standing up with the help of her sisters.

"We need to get you to the hospital, Ellie. We have to check that out." Veronica said, a worried look flashing all across her face.

"Of course. We can take my car. I'll get it started up!" Margaret yelled, rushing down the stairs and out of the house to start her car up.

"Come on, Ellie.. I'll take you down the stairs." Veronica said, holding her younger sister's shoulders and waist close to her.


"It seems to just be a bruise on your arm, possibly sprained. For now, just to be safe.. you have to keep it in a cast, alright, Ms. Liones?" The doctor said, glancing towards the silver haired girl, a little worry on his face as well.

"Alright...." Elizabeth said, a sigh of disappointment came from her lips.


Elizabeth has now been injured? What's gonna happen nowww? I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction so far!


Something more? (Highschool AU) (Elizabeth X Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now