24th of December (Her Ex)

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Last time on 'Something More..?';

She noticed him.


Her ex.

She instantly froze in place, terrified. 'WHY IS HE HERE?!' She questioned in her head, feeling her whole body quiver.


The silver haired girl was frozen in place, even Diane tried snapping her out of it.

Arthur had made his way over to the two, questioning why exactly Elizabeth was here. She stared right at her feet. "Oh! I didn't realize I also invited you, Arthur!" Diane gasped, biting her lip at her mistake.

'I gotta do something..' Elizabeth growled in her train of tight thoughts. "Oh! Hey, sweetie! — how about we go and munch on some food over there?" She grabbed a random guy's arm and linked his with hers.

"Oh, sure, dear. Let's go ahead and do it, then." The voice replied. It sounded so familiar — yet Elizabeth couldn't place her finger on it.

The guy turned around to face Arthur, a disgusted look on his face. "Hey, Buddy. Don't come near her ever again, got that?" The guy said to the cowering male that stood in front of Elizabeth.

"T-Thanks, darling..." Elizabeth blushed, this random guy's words felt so.. genuine.

Arthur backed off, muttering incoherent words. "Thank you.. erm... what's your name?" Elizabeth looked towards her saviour, blushing a little.

"M-M....Meliodas?!?!" Diane gasped, she hated staying silent for very long, so it all came out at once.

Meliodas grinned. "Is this the friend  you wanted me to meet so bad?" He asked Diane, turning to the taller girl. Diane nodded repeatedly, seeing Elizabeth blush was rare, especially because she still clung to Meliodas.

'Ow..' Elizabeth thought, clutching Meliodas a little closer. "My arm started to hurt a little bit more, Diane.." Elizabeth whispered to her best friend, staring down at her feet, a little nervous because Meliodas was actually quite handsome in her eyes.

'Did she fall for him at first sight or something, jeez, Ellie!' Diane thought, hiding her inner fangirl well while the three of them were together there.

'I actually think they look really cute together, though. Like.. wow.' She added, a little squeak coming from her.

"Anyways.. Meliodas... Sir? — would you like to go get.. f-food anyways? — because you know... we said that to get rid of Arthur anyways.... he's my ex..." Elizabeth became a blushing mess.

"Sure! — what's your name?" Meliodas asked, grinning like a goofball. 'She's actually.. really cute, I'm not lying.. she isn't like Liz, either! — sure.. she looks the same as her but their personalities are way different! She's so soft spoken - it's like hearing a gentle sway of the breeze' Meliodas thought, blushing a teensy bit, though you could barely even catch a glimpse of it.

Elizabeth and Meliodas walked over to the snack table, eyeing things like candy and chips, which they scarfed down together. "Hey, Meliodas.. what kinds of things has Diane said about me, exactly?" She questioned, frowning a bit.

"Oh. Diane always says things like how you help her out in hospitality class, with notes, how you are such a kind, sweet, amazing girl..." Meliodas trailed off, blushing a little more.

"What was that?" Elizabeth turned on her heel to face the shorter male, a little pink dusted her pale cheeks. "Nothing! She was just saying nice things about you." Meliodas grinned, his blush wasn't really that noticeable but his nervousness definitely was, he kept a slight distance from the girl, but realized she had a crappy sense of balance as her heel got caught on a loose wire in the floorboards.

'THUD' — it was louder than the music playing, as the two collided to the floor.

She landed with a loud sound right on top of him, her injured arm was holding his head, as she tried to hold in a little cry. Meliodas noticed her arm. "Hey.. is your arm alright?" He said, getting up, worrying to the best of his ability. He was actually looking quite terrified.

"Yeah.. erm... I just fell getting out of the shower." Elizabeth sighed, staring at her arm that laid in a cast. "Oh god, really? — want me to take extra care of it... dear?" Meliodas grinned a little, looking around the two of them to make sure HE wasn't there.

"That would be lovely.. because right now I think it got worse and worse. The doctor said it was just a sprain but — whoop-de-doo — it feels like a whole lot more than that." The silver haired girl mumbled, wincing at the pain.

Arthur came up to Elizabeth once she was alone. "Hey, Ellie.. I'm sorry for how I treated you — I just.. really ended up.. having a thing for you — and then this blonde guy just suddenly shown up — you didn't post on social media or anything about it so I assumed you didn't have a boyfriend." He said, rubbing the back of it head a little, the weight of feeling ashamed and guilt hung over his shoulders.

"It's alright, Arthur. I stopped using social media for a while now, just because of insecurities, so. It's alright, okay?" Elizabeth reassured him, patting his back gently with her good hand.

Meliodas stared like a hawk at those two, blistering rage engulfed his mind as they chatted the night away. "Hey, Ellie." (A/N; He assumes it was her actual name) "yes, Meliodas?" Elizabeth turned to face her fake boyfriend. "Come with me for a second — and grab your jacket too." He said and smiled a goofy grin.

"Alright. — see ya, Arthur." She waved and followed Meliodas to the coat rack, where she grabbed her coat. "I don't like anything about that guy." Meliodas growled, the two of them stepping out into the snow, taking a big breath each. 'The snow is pretty.. and it reminds me of her, really..' Meliodas thought, smiling. Yet a second later, he frowned.

"I want to keep you away from him, Ellie. He grabbed her shoulders, staring into her ocean blue eyes. "O-Oookay... Meliodas.." Elizabeth blushed a teeny bit. Having a cute man fight over you with one of the guys' closest to you? How crazy.

"So.. erm.. even though we've just met.. — Diane kept going on about me and you while you talked to that guy — and she said that you've never.. erm.. had a good relationship? — I've looked into what could of happened between you and him — through the information Diane gave me. The point is — I'm scared your ex will harm you again.. mentally and physically." He went on, continuing to stare into Elizabeth's eyes, she felt like crying.

"Meliodas..? What're you..?" Elizabeth continued to blush, or her cheeks went cold thanks to the weather. "I'm.. asking you out.. hell, I don't even know your name! But you just feel... right to me." Meliodas blushed himself, looking away for a quick second, taking a deep breathe in, awaiting her answer.

"Of course, Meliodas... y-you just... you feel like you'll be the greatest relationship I'll ever have." She bit her lip, and he carefully held her hand — making sure her arm was feeling alright. Honestly, in their minds, it felt like the two of them known each other for a while, though just meeting a couple of hours ago, they could just feel the way new lovers do - or is it something more..?

As soon as the two stepped inside, Diane greeted them with many questions, wondering how their talk exactly went.


Hey guysss

I kinda forgot about how messy this chapter got. So I'm posting it anyways

Man I'm so happy about SDS Season 3!! I have an Instagram account I share with my boyfriend, too. It's a Meliodas x Elizabeth account!

Elizabeth.x.Meliodas <——- Instagram

Also, today is an anniversary of mine~~ whoop whoop! — if yer reading this, darling — I love you!


Something more? (Highschool AU) (Elizabeth X Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now