24th of December (Party)

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Today was Diane's birthday. And her party.

Elizabeth woke up in a grumpy mood, but she was ultimately excited. "I get to finally meet Diane's friends! And I wonder how Secret Santa would play out. I'm so happy for Diane! — wait.. what if I meet a good guy during Secret Santa? What if he gets MY GIFT from Secret Santa?? Ah! I'm so excited!!!" Elizabeth jumped up and down, taking a long stare at the dress she had picked out on the 20th.

"I get to wear you tonight, special dress! I'm so excited.. maybe today I can go to school, too! To see Diane and Elaine." Elizabeth nodded to herself, slipping on a red turtle neck (with a little bit of trouble), a white skirt, and a pair of black leggings. She grabbed her coat and yelled to her sisters that she'll go to school today, because of her possible missed assignments.

She made sure she'd be at school a little early, decorating Diane's locker with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' streamers and such, grinning at her handy work.

Elaine made it to school a couple minutes after Elizabeth put the final touches, Elaine added her own little gist to Diane's locker, spritzing it up with balloons and a sweet handwritten note that she and Elizabeth wrote around the 19th of December.

Elaine and Elizabeth admired their work, and just as Diane was heading over to her locker, they turned to look at the taller girl with smiles plastered on their faces and they yelled "Happy birthday, Diane!" And each gave her a big hug. "We didn't bring our presents — so I'm sure we'll bring them for the party tonight." Elaine and Elizabeth said, rubbing the back of their heads.

"It's no big deal, girls! I'm just happy you did this — it's really sweet! — what's that?" Diane took notice in the note taped onto her locker and carefully ripped it off, scanning the words like a printer would, really.

"Awh... that's so sweet, girls.. why can't I marry the two of you?" Diane grinned, a little tear coming from her eye, which she promptly wiped away. "Diane, you have a boyfriend. You can't marry us." Elaine noted, which made the three all laugh.

"That's obvious." Elizabeth commented. "Hey, Ellie. Is your arm alright?" Diane questioned, giving Elizabeth a gentle hug. "Yeah. It hurts like hell, but no doubt I'll be able to party hard tonight, even if my arm is possibly sprained." Elizabeth sighed a little, staring at her cast.

"I'm sure you'll still rock your dress, Ellie!" Elaine added, wrapping her arms tightly around Elizabeth's waist in a quick hug. "Thanks, Elaine. So.. straight after school, should we spice ourselves up a little? TLC, anyone?" She grinned. "Margaret's good with makeup, so I'll ask her if she can do it!" Elizabeth added.

(AN; TLC = Time, Love, Couture/Tender Loving Care)


School promptly finished, with Elizabeth helping Diane make cooking during their second class, and Elaine helping out the best she could with Elizabeth's notes while she was away.

They all headed over to Elizabeth's house, where Elizabeth asked Margaret if she could help them with their makeup and hair, which she agreed, saying you only live once.

The three girls happily made their way to the living room, as Margaret headed upstairs to fetch her cosmetics.


"And.. there!" Margaret grinned, staring at the masterpiece on the three girl's faces, they looked really great.

"Hey, Ellie. The party's gonna start in about an hour, do you want to head over to my place already? To make sure we have everything and such!" Diane asked, smiling.

"Of course, Diane! — though.. I'll need help getting into my dress." Elizabeth blushed. "Oh! Ohh! I can help!" Elaine piped up from her seat, her hair was slightly curled at the ends and she already changed into her dress.

"Alright. Diane, do you want to head up to my room, as well?" Elizabeth asked, smiling. "Yup! I'll race you." She grinned and zoomed up the stairs, since she already knew which room was Elizabeth's, she charged into it, flopping right on top of the bed.

"Oh goodness.. did she do what I think she just did? I heard a creak in the floorboards." Elizabeth noted, facepalming.

"I think so. I don't know why Diane likes to do that with beds, heck, she even almost BROKE my bed!" Elaine laughed nervously, and headed upstairs with Elizabeth in tow.


"Annnndd there!" Elaine smiled, finishing the final piece of Elizabeth's outfit, tying the sky blue ribbon at the back.

"Wow... Elizabeth — you look... I can't describe it! Awesome!" Diane grinned and hugged the silver haired girl, being careful about her arm. "You still rock that dress, even with the cast." Elaine added.

"Now, lets go!" Elizabeth smiled and they headed out the door after making their way down the stairs, Elizabeth informed Margaret and Veronica and they informed her to be the safest she could ever be, and she nodded, grinning as she said her goodbye, holding the two gifts in her arms.


They were nearly done with the party, as Elizabeth, Diane, and Elaine added the final touches to things, the clock read 8:30 pm, which was when the people would flood in. And trust me. There was quite a bit of people.

Elaine started the music, as people were stuffed in the recently empty rooms, Elizabeth shut the lights off and then beautiful lights came on, like a disco party kind of theme.

"Heyyy! Elaine, I just got a text that King and the others just arrived! Yay!" Diane jumped up and down happily, thinking about how the events would play out.


Elizabeth was enjoying herself at the party, placing her Secret Santa gift by the pile that accumulated as more guests arrived, and then..

She noticed


Her ex.

She instantly froze in place, terrified. 'WHY IS HE HERE?!' She questioned in her head, feeling her whole body quiver.


Ahhhhh. Who could her ex be?? Mwahahah — I have this planned out carefully in my head! So bear with me!~


Something more? (Highschool AU) (Elizabeth X Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now