20th of December

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Elizabeth was getting ready for the day as she planned what to wear to her friend's party coming up on December 24th. It was the 20th of December. Four days to go.

The silver haired girl smiled at her three choices. A knee-length light blue dress that matched her eyes accompanied with a white pair of ankle boots, a simple white blouse with deep red skirt with matching knee length boots (that kind of made her look like a red velvet cake), or a simple black strapless dress that reached to the middle of her shins with matching Mary Janes.

She couldn't decide. Because she was too hyped for the party. So she decided to take a picture of her outfits in the big mirror she had resting on her wall in her bedroom. She sent the pictures to Diane and waited for a reply.

She heard a ping from her phone after changing back into her pjs. 'oh my god Elizabeth you look hot!!' The message said, and Elizabeth's face heated up like a toaster. "Sure, sure." She laughed to herself, kicking her feet about on her bed. "What.. one.. should.. I.. go.. with..?" She said as she typed that sentence, grinning. 'Ohhh! I think you should go with number 1!' She instantly got a reply back, feeling Diane's fangirling from her text messages.

'Alright.' Elizabeth messaged back and turned her phone off.

'Oh! Before you promptly shut your phone off — I invited my other friends! You don't really know them — they used to go to Holy Faction High like I did, but bullying was tough for me so I moved to our current school.' Diane messaged.

'Oh? I'd like to meet them, then.' Elizabeth replied, wondering about those other friends Diane could somehow have back from her old school.

She shut her phone off again, putting the other pairs of clothes away, keeping the outfit Diane decided on by her bedside. 'I can't wait to go to her birthday party.. I already have a gift and everything!' Elizabeth thought happily, turning her attention to the neatly silver and gold wrapped present on her dresser. 'It'll be fun..' she thought, grinning to herself.


"Come on Elizabeth, you're going to be late for school!" Elizabeth's older sister chimed.. Veronica. "Yeah yeah.. I'll be out in a second." She groaned, lazily getting out of bed and deciding on a simple pink elbow length shirt and a nice pair of comfy track pants. Veronica made her way up the creaky set of stairs. "Come on lazy butt, breakfast'll get cold. I have a track meet in 20 minutes, too. I have to make sure you're ready first." She chuckled, patting her little sister's head.

Elizabeth had a massive case of bedhead, running a hairbrush through it, which got knotted several times. She groaned and ended up pulling her waist long hair into a messy ponytail. She headed out the door after eating bacon, a lukewarm piece of toast, and a hard boiled egg. "Oh, don't forget, dad's coming home today!" Her oldest sister, Margaret chimed in, waving goodbye to her little sister.

'Oh. That's right.. father. I'm happy I'll see him today — because he's been traveling way too much for his job.' Elizabeth thought, making her way to school.


"Hey, Elizabeth!" Two familiar voices called out. "Oh, Diane, Elaine! Good morning!" She smiled happily and gave her friends a big hug. "I sent Elaine the pictures you sent me. She think you look really really cute!" Diane whispered as Elaine blushed a teeny bit, overhearing their conversation.

"I can't wait till you meet them, as well, Elizabeth!" Elaine chimed. "Wait.. even you know them, Elaine?!" Elizabeth gasped, Elaine's cheeks went real red.

"That's because.. one of her friends.. has been my childhood friend!.. and erm... I have a major crush on him.. that's all!" Elaine pouted. Diane walked up to Elizabeth and whispered "she's actually dating him as well, but she just still can't get over how he ended up liking her back. They are literally inseparable."

"Oh... that's good for you, Elaine! It must be nice!!" Elizabeth cheered, giving Elaine a big hug. "So? How long has it been since you two started dating?!" A twinkle was sparked in the silver haired girl's eyes.

"Erm.... it's been.. wait.. how long has it been? — wait wait! I remember.. it's been about six years.." she blushed and hid her face in her petite hands. "SIX years?!" Elizabeth and Diane both gasped. "I knew you were dating him for a while but I never knew it's been THAT long! — since you were NINE?!" Diane gaped. "M-Mmhm.." Elaine murmured, her voice became quite high pitched in tone as the attention was shifted to her.


"I can't wait for you to get out of your shell, again, Elizabeth!" Elaine grinned, remembering the story of Elizabeth and her first boyfriend.. who shall not be named for drama's sake.

Elaine and Elizabeth were writing down notes for their first period, science. "Mann... I don't like science class one bit! It's so.. boring." Elaine groaned as she felt the time went real slow.

"Alright class. I believe that will be it today, but on the 24th, be sure to hand in your assignments! It's a presentation about what people can do to stop polluting our oceans." Ms. Morrison called out, "Especially you, Elaine." The teacher was a little frightening, especially to Elaine, who always handed her assignments in late due to her habit of forgetting things easily.

As the bell rang, Elizabeth and Elaine headed to their second period classes, which Elizabeth had with Diane, and Elaine had math on her own.

Elizabeth made her way to the ground floor, having hospitality class with Diane was fun, because they got to make sweets and other foods. "Hey, Elizabeth!" Diane called out to her, already in an apron and currently tried putting a hairnet on, Elizabeth helped her out, slipping her ponytails into the hairnet. "Hairnets are annoying!~" Diane groaned, washing her hands and wiping them off on her apron.

Elizabeth slipped an apron on, and carefully put her hairnet on, making sure not to miss any strands on her way. "Today class, you'll be making festive cookies! And I'll also be giving you this recipe so you could make it at home as well." Mr. Arugent grinned, getting all the ingredients out. "This'll be so much fun, Elizabeth!" Diane smiled, jumping up and down. 


The ingredients were all over the floor, in a mess. "Oh dear.. I'm sorry Elizabeth!" Diane blushed, rubbing the back of her head as they packed up everything because the bell would ring in about 3 minutes. The ingredients were also over the silver haired girl's face and arms, surprised by the taller girl's ways of baking.

Elizabeth cleaned the mess up and wiped the flour and dough off her face and arms. 'The day's half over.. it's alright, Ellie. Two more classes to go.' She thought, a little sigh escaping her lips.


The two other classes she had went by real quick, thank goodness — because Elizabeth had english and math. She messaged Diane as she had to walk home.

'Hey Diane. I still can't believe that Elaine was dating one of your friends. Are you dating one of them too?'

She replied; 'Yup! But guess which one he is from that group when you meet them, it'll be so much fun to see you have trouble with it.' And sent a weird laughing emoji along with it.

Elizabeth furrowed her brows and tucked her phone away into her pocket, slipping on her jacket and making sure it was zipped all the way because it ended up getting very cold.

She forgot about meeting her father once she got home.


Hello guys! Sumi here! I tried to make this first chapter exciting but also kind of chill. Hahah, get it? Because it's December in that chapter. I'd like to have creative criticism to improve myself, so please comment about anything you liked or disliked!


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