Chapter 5: Start

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"He is growing quite well," Naruto commented as he saw Sasuke wobbling slightly, the baby barely able to keep himself upon his chubby legs. 

"That he is," Itachi commented with a soft smile. He'd give anything to prevent Sasuke from being harmed. 


Sasuke caught Itachi's eyes as a small toothy grin filled the baby's face as he tried walking over to Itachi, but tripped on his own feet as was sent to the ground, or, he would've been sent to the ground if it weren't for Itachi, who caught the baby just in time. 

"Jeez, Sasuke, you're clumsy." Sasuke, not knowing any better, just giggled as he played with the eight-year-old's cheeks. 

"You were probably the same, Itachi," Naruto spoke as he shifted uncomfortably. Ever since he had refused to join the clan, things were awkward with the clan he spent most of his time with. The only people who haven't changed their attitudes have been Itachi, Izumi, Shisui, and of course, Sasuke. 

The thought of Sasuke put a weight in Naruto's chest, his little sister would've been just three months younger than the child. But, he would still smile. 

He would smile. 

"Itachi-kun! Naruto-nii! We have to go!" Yes, Izumi had taken to calling him 'nii-san' ever since he defended her against the Daimyo's now dead son. It had been an interesting change, but a welcome one. 

She could be his little sister. 

"Bye-bye, Sasuke!" Itachi said softly as his forehead connected to Sasuke's own, a warm smile on his face. Naruto grinned at the two Uchiha before standing up. 

"Good luck, Itachi," Mikoto said stiffly, ignoring Naruto. 

"We know you will pass." Fugaku chimed in. "You'll do the Uchiha proud!" Itachi smiled at his parents. 

"Thank you, I'll see you all in two months!" And with that, Itachi turned around and walked out, leaving Naruto in the room alone with the two Uchiha, including Sasuke. 

"I'll protect them both," He spoke in a soft voice, his smile never diminishing. "Goodbye, Fugaku-san, Mikoto-san." He turned around to walk away, only for a pair of slim arms wrap around his torso and hug him tightly. 

"Good luck, Naruto," Mikoto whispered, the sadness in her tone almost unbearable as tears threatened to leak out of her eyes. 

"Thank you, I appreciate it." He released himself from her grip and walked out of the house, making sure he didn't slam the door when he closed it. Fugaku crossed his arms before walking into the kitchen, obviously not pleased. 

"Why won't you talk to him? It's been two weeks, Fugaku!" 

"The boy denied his heritage. I cannot respect someone who doesn't follow blood." 

"He isn't our son!" She hissed, causing him to freeze. "No matter how much I want him to be, he isn't ours to claim." 

"He is an Uchiha!" He roared. 

"He is Naruto Namikaze!" She shouted back, meeting his leveled glare. 

"Sooooooo," Naruto trailed off as he glanced at Shisui. "Why are we going to the Exams later than the other Genins again?" 

"Because," Shisui began, rubbing under his nose as he grinned. "Arriving fashionably late is always stylish." 

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