Chapter 41: Memories of Help

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"Sensei," A fourteen-year-old Sasuke began speaking as he walked alongside the nineteen-year-old. "Can you tell me about Itachi?" If he was surprised by the question, Naruto didn't show it. He only smiled a little as he began talking. 

"Itachi Uchiha was a genius, though I'm sure you're already aware of all that. But he was also kind and put his friends first before himself. He protected a team he had just met because it was the right thing to do in our Chunin Exams. He was a great teammate and even a greater person." He closed his eyes. 

"I honestly believe if Danzo hadn't done whatever he did to Itachi, he would've been your sensei and he could have definitely been one of the strongest shinobi the village has ever seen. His potential rivaled my own and his skill with the Sharingan was far greater than mine." Sasuke's eyes widened.

"You mean he mastered the Sharingan to such an extent?" Naruto nodded. 

"Even with a newfound Mangekyou, Itachi was able to use it to its fullest extents. I'm jealous he learned it so easily but I think I've finally caught up with him in terms of utilization." Sasuke thanked Naruto for the information and was quiet for a few moments before speaking again. 

"Do you think I'll ever be strong like him?" He asked in a slightly timid tone. Naruto stopped walking alongside his student, causing Sasuke to stop and give him a questioning look. 

"There's no doubt in my mind that you'll surpass him one day, Sasuke." Naruto said, placing a gentle hand on the top of Sasuke's head with a large grin on his face. "You have the latent power to become one of the strongest shinobi this world has ever seen, and one day, when you're all grown up and at your peak, I want to spar against you then because we will certainly be rivals by the time that comes to pass!' 

Sasuke's eyes widened as he looked up at his master. He had the potential to rival someone has strong as Naruto Namikaze? The strongest shinobi in the village by a rather large distance between the second? 

"One day, when I create peace throughout the world and become Hokage, I want you to be my right-hand man, Sasuke. I'm sure when that time comes, Itachi will be smiling at us both from above!" 

"R-Right," Sasuke choked out, his throat burning as his eyes closed, fighting the tears of happiness that threatened to escape. "I'll stand right beside you, and one day we'll fight as equals!" Naruto ruffled Sasuke's hair, his grin still standing. 

'I welcome that future day.' Naruto thought to himself. 

A Few Weeks Later

"Why are these Mist Anbu trying to take us down?" Sasuke shouted as he and Naruto ran through the trees with several Anbu operatives from the Hidden Mist trailed them at quick speeds. Naruto, who was frowning slightly, shook his head.

"I don't know. They hate bloodlines in the Hidden Mist so maybe that's why!" Naruto cursed. He would rather not fight the Mist Anbu and potentially cause a war between the Leaf and Mist, but outrunning them wasn't an option either due to the fact that Sasuke wasn't even close to his speed just yet. 

"Sasuke, keep going. I'll hold them off while you escape." Sasuke glared at his teacher.

"No! We fight together!" As if to put an end to the beginning argument, Sasuke drew his sword and positioned himself to be ready for the Anbu. Several Anbu lined up along the branches of the trees that stood several meters away from the branches Naruto and Sasuke stood on. 

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