Chapter 46: Kumo

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Naruto felt a shift in the wind just a mile outside of the Hidden Cloud, but the author shall refer to it as Kumo since it's a lot shorter to write. He stopped walking for a moment. 

"Come on out, you can't hide from me." He said in a monotone. Two different ninja sprang from the misty trees, flanking on either side of him with swords in their clutches. 

"What is your purpose here?" One of them asked. 

"Answer quickly or else!" The other shouted. 

Naruto didn't bother looking at either of them. "Is that a threat?" He scoffed. "Who am I fooling? Of course it was. I'll let it slide because I have business within the village. However, if you are to threaten me again, I won't hesitate to deliver your heads to your Raikage." 

"This is not how we treat our guests, Cee! Darui! Get over here!" A feminine voice called out. Naruto's eyes widened momentarily before reverting back to his emotionless self. 

"Hello, my name is Samui, and welcome to Kumo. I apologize on my comrade's behalf, they can be a bit. . ." She trailed off. 

"Guard happy?" He finished for her. Cee gave Naruto a weird look before his eyes widened. 

"This chakra. . ." The sensor said as he took several steps back. "It's, i-it's-" 

"Seems somethings never change," Naruto said as he took his hood off, revealing his facial features. "Good evening, Samui, Darui, and Cee. It's been what? Eleven? Twelve years?" Samui squinted and observed the man's appearance until she recognized the three whisker marks on each of his cheeks and let out a small gasp.

"Is that you. . . Naruto?" She asked. Naruto allowed a smirk to cross his face, revealing one of his canines as his Sharingan eyes reflected the sun. 

"It is. Might I say you three really haven't changed much, just bigger and taller versions of yourselves from back then, especially you Samui." Samui's eyes narrowed slightly. 

"Is that a poor attempt at flirting?" Naruto let out a humorless chuckle, chilling the three Jounin that had participated in the Chunin Exams with Naruto. 

"You can take it as you wish, though I must say Tsunade would be jealous." Samui cocked an eyebrow up. 

"Well, that aside, why do you have your Sharingan activated? Do you intend on fighting any of us?" She didn't want to fight the blonde-turned-raven-haired man in front of her. Naruto's smirk disappeared, replaced by his usually stoic face. 

"I don't intend on fighting any of you, no. My Sharingan is on to reminds me of my goals. I'm afraid if I deactivate it then I'll lose my motivation." 

"That's understandable, I guess," Darui commented. "And sorry about us ready to cut you through like that, we have bad experiences with those wearing that type of cloak." Naruto rose an eyebrow. 

"My cloak? Oh, you mean the red clouds?" They nodded. "Yeah, I just liked the design and chose to keep it. It won't be a problem, will it?" Samui shrugged. 

"Whether it will or not is up to the people, one of our Jinchuuriki, Yugito Nii, was abducted by two S-Ranked criminals wearing a similar cloak to yours." She turned to Darui and Cee. "What was the organization's name again? The Akatsuki?" 

"Yeah," Darui answered. "They just snuck in and held a huge battle without any of us knowing before it was too late." Naruto shook his head.

"That's too bad." 

"What do you want within our village?" Cee asked a tad bit rudely, earning a small glare from Samui and a sigh from Darui. 

"Like I said before, business," Naruto answered. "I want to speak to the Raikage." 

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