Chapter 7: Warm Up

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Naruto jumped into the air, spinning as he hurled several kunai and shuriken at the dummy made of rubber, each one piercing the body, each sharp end of the respective blade piercing an inch deep.

Naruto landed on the ground gracefully, opening his bright blue eyes only to narrow them in suspicion as he turned around. His eyes widened as he saw the girl who had defended him the day before, along with her two teammates. 

She herself had bright blonde hair and sharp blue eyes that matched the color of the sky. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt with a green vest over it along with a dark grey skirt with a pair of shorts under it. 

Her teammate on the right, a dark-skinned boy with white hair that covered his left eye. He wore the typical Kumo outfit with the white vest over plain black clothing with a sword on his back. 

And finally, on the left, was another boy with short blonde hair and dark eyes that were narrowed at Naruto in suspicion. He wore a sleeveless black t-shirt with the white Kumo vest on it with a pair of baggy black pants. 

"You missed the vital spots, ya know?" The blonde boy said, the suspicion evident in his voice. Naruto nodded.

"I know, it was completely intentional I promise." He explained, only for the girl to respond.

"But why would you practice hitting the non-vital spots? Aren't we supposed to train to kill?" Naruto shrugged. 

"I guess, but, I don't want to kill anybody, I wanna remain peaceful if at all possible." He responded. 

"What're you, a pacifist or something?" The dark-skinned boy questioned. Naruto laughed a little and shrugged again.

"I guess so." Was all Naruto said. "Can I help you with something?" The girl shook her head. 

"I'm curious about you, Naruto Namikaze." Naruto rose an eyebrow. 

"You know my name, yet I do not know yours, nor your teammates. I believe it would be more convenient for everyone, including the author, if you told me your name." The girl, the blonde boy, and the dark-skinned boy all sighed in unison, the wall being broken often tired them out. 

"My name is Samui," The blonde girl revealed. 

"The name is Cee," The blonde boy said in an irritated tone. 

"I'm Darui," The dark-skinned boy said with a tiny salute with his two fingers. 

"Cool, now that we know each other, we can actually speak," Naruto began as he sat down on the ground. "What do you wish to know, Samui of Kumo?" 

"Hmph," She snorted before crossing her arms. "Your last name is Namikaze, are you related to the Yellow Flash at all?" Naruto nodded.

"I am, he's my father." Samui's and Darui's eyes widened in shock, while Cee just shook his head.

"Something about this is suspicious, why would Konoha send the Yellow Flash's son here? Don't they know that Raikage-sama's rival was the Yellow Flash?" He explained as he now fully glared at Naruto.

"Rival? Father never said anything about a rival." He laughed a little. "I guess Raikage-sama was the only one to think that." 

"How dare you?!" Cee shouted as he rushed Naruto. "You will pay for your words!" 

"Oh? Did I say something wrong?" Naruto asked as he jumped back, avoiding Cee's punches and kicks as he looked at him with confusion. "I apologize if I offended you, it was not my intention." 

"Bullshit!" Cee shouted. "You insulted our Kage in our village!" 

"Please stop," Naruto pleaded as he once again dodged the older boy's furious punches. 

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